Reviews for Will You Stay?
JackieOh chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
This had me smiling from beginning to end! You're such a fantastic writer. Ava was such a well developed character and her family dynamic was heartbreaking, heartwarming, and believably written! I really, really enjoyed reading this. So glad I came across it! Thanks for writing xoxo
magicaldobrev chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
That was so good, you truly are a talented writer!:)
Snuffles awesome chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
Really good job. You should make a sequel to this story or write more . But non the less awesome story . It really makes you think Oliver wasn't just an obssesed Quiditch fan , he had a life . Always,Snuffles awesome :P:)