Reviews for Stolen Hours
Guest chapter 70 . 8/16/2019
Great story. I hope you write another one real soon!
sherryola chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
I read this a few months ago, but it was when I was just discovering CM fics and I didn't remember much of it. I've just spent the last few days rereading it, and I really really loved it. You did a great job with all the points of view, moving between aaron and the team. The relationship between aaron and dave was wonderfully fleshed out, and I found it one of the greatest strengths of the story. the suspense was great. I remembered how it ended but I was still on the edge of my seat when Foyet walked in to the room that last time. I have special olders where I keep my fan ficfavorites on my computer and this one is definitely going there.
sherryola chapter 70 . 8/1/2017
this was a fabulous story! Oh my. It felt like watching a thoroughly engrossing episode or two. I like that though the focus was Hotch, it was a story about the entire team. Yes, Hotch does rock. I'm going to miss him.
buckyboo chapter 70 . 10/28/2015
I really enjoyed your story!
Cat Jenkins chapter 70 . 10/26/2015
Excellent story!

Now I need to let the adrenaline rush slowly ebb away. That was one tense journey. Well done!
Cat Jenkins chapter 69 . 10/26/2015
AAAhhhhh...AAAhhhhh... *rolls over and falls to the floor in emotional overload*
Cat Jenkins chapter 68 . 10/26/2015
But Hotch could hear everything and see and feel everything. He had to know what was going on and that Reid and the others were in the room. And looking at him! AAAAAAAAA!
OMG! And Garcia recorded everything, so that embarrassing position of naked Hotch will be available for everyone to see! And she saw it, too!
Hotch better be calling his shrink!
At least Foyet's dead... but poor, poor Hotch!
Cat Jenkins chapter 67 . 10/26/2015
OMG! OMG! They should never had let it go that far! Garcia or Kevin should have heard someone come in and should have seen by that moonlight Reid was reading by! And Reid was in the next room! He should have been out in a split second after the bear picked up Foyet! POOR HOTCH! This is almost worse than the first attack! So embarrassing to be exposed and put in that position! AAAAAAAAA!
Cat Jenkins chapter 66 . 10/26/2015
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! This foreshadowing is killing me! And it's killing Hotch! If something doesn't happen soon, the tension will destroy both of us! And Reid! GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!

Aaron needs a gun. He should have one in his good hand at all times! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Cat Jenkins chapter 65 . 10/26/2015
OMG! That dream! Hotch dreamed the drug that Foyet plans on using on him! Hotch really does have a psychic connection with that slimeball!
Cat Jenkins chapter 64 . 10/26/2015
The noose tightens... But Foyet is SO close, it's creeping me out!
Cat Jenkins chapter 63 . 10/26/2015
Getting nervous... I want an agent hiding under Hotch's bed at all times. And one in the closet. And the bathroom. And behind every door. The only good thing is Foyet plans on taking his time, so they'll be able to get to him if the bear sees him. *gulps nervously*
Cat Jenkins chapter 62 . 10/26/2015
For all the tension and stress of the plot, I was LMAO (no pun intended) at 'Move the bear! Move the bear!' AAAAhahahahahha!

As long as the image wasn't recorded... ;)
Cat Jenkins chapter 61 . 10/26/2015
Awwwwww... I KNEW IT! Teddy bear! And after this is all over, they'll remove the tech stuff from it and maybe give it to Jack or Alana? DON'T TELL ME! ;)
Cat Jenkins chapter 60 . 10/26/2015
But I thought Nathan had raped women before...that patient with cancer and others...

If Hotch didn't consider the possibility that he might be killed, I'd be worried. It would mean he wasn't taking this plan of his seriously enough. As long as he doesn't opt to throw his life away, maybe this will must make him more careful.
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