Reviews for Adverse Events
happimood chapter 17 . 11/29/2019
Crap, sorry, I also forgot to mention my absolute favorite line of this story in my last review. The scene where Jess tells Rory that Delilah was the only person that ever meant something to Samson. And when he tells her “thanks for staying. each time” because honestly, THIS is what we actually needed in the show. For Jess to walk away and for Rory to go after him, JUST ONCE (but it obviously never happened). This scene really hit home with me and cemented the idea that your characters are a lot more than just two people falling in love for the sake of the plot. These two characters that have a whole life, a whole range of emotions, thought-process and having the ability to build this foundation of trust and loyalty with each other despite their history and background. It was so beautifully human.
happimood chapter 26 . 11/29/2019
Took me a whole day to complete this story and it was time so well spent. Thank you for writing this. Again, I absolutely loved the way you wrote Rory and Jess and how naturally they came together. Also, how you write medicine seriously feels like I’m watching an episode of House or Grey’s Anatomy (except featuring Jess and Rory). There wasn’t this huge longing or pining for one another. They just knew how much they cared and deeply felt for each other (I loved the chapters when they were in Florida and Jess finally having this realization that he loved Rory). Even during their break up, I loved their continued interaction because in reality, that’s how break ups usually are (especially if you both work at the same jobthey continue to speak to each other professionally even though there are some underlying tension underneath (in other words, just because you’re broken up doesn’t mean you stop loving each other). I’m off to read the next installment! Thank you again for writing this beautiful piece of fiction!
happimood chapter 25 . 11/29/2019
I absolutely died with Rory and Jess’ conversation about the whip cream. I couldn’t stop laughing. And I could totally picture Rory with the sunglasses on and whispering to Jess in the cafeteria so perfectly in my mind because the way you make them banter with each other is so canon and believable. I adore how realistically you portray them even in an AU.
happimood chapter 8 . 11/29/2019
i’m only on chapter 8 and i’m at a loss of how this story does not have more reviews or favorites. you totally sucked me into this AU and i love your rory and jess. i feel like you did so much medical research for this story and it’s so underrated! thank you for writing this! going to continue reading more!
I'm-procrastonating-right-now chapter 12 . 4/22/2018
absolutely loving it so far.
AJ Granger chapter 5 . 9/15/2017
Gotta say it, Dean as a doctor? It almost makes one laugh.
Jes236 chapter 13 . 8/19/2017
Good way to handle explanation...
Jes236 chapter 11 . 8/18/2017
Unique story...didn't know if I'd like but am enjoying ALOT!
Jes236 chapter 6 . 8/16/2017
Jes236 chapter 1 . 8/16/2017
cass chapter 15 . 6/21/2017
"This is suicide, a voice inside him whispered, but tonight was just as perfect for dying as any other, wasn't it?"

love that
fayevalcntine chapter 27 . 5/28/2017
Ok, so! I finally managed to read the first part completely, all in one sitting because it's a highly addictive story, and I must say that it turned out even better than I expected it to be.

Despite the complete change in Jess/Rory's careers you managed to blend this change so effortlessly with their characterization and background by tweaking just the right things for it to be made possible/believable. I love how easily the story is to read through and it's all made possible not just by your immense talent in writing but by your well in-character dialogue as well. Dialogue is one of the bigger building blocks behind Jess/Rory as characters and as a pairing, and you manage it so amazingly easy.

I love how well the story is built up, with every part of it having just the right duration throughout it all, from Jess/Rory's first meeting, to their reluctant but sure understanding of one another, to them falling fast into a deeper relationship, only for then to crash and be unsure of where they stand. I love the tension and how it was built up throughout the whole fic, not just through that specific part of the fic.

I loved both Jess and Rory's individual backstories and how you've taken great care with Jess's and his strained relationship with Liz, as well as his entire journey of losing her and finally letting go of all that bitterness and left feelings he's carried around for so long when it comes to her. One thing I do hope though is that he at some point has found out that his uncle is Luke, if you will still insert that in the sequel. I love both of them and their relationship so much, and I'd personally love it if they developed a good relationship later on.

The way you handled Rory's past with Logan, her secret abortion, being unable to share that with anyone or barely talk about it, was so so well done. I love how you handle it in the sequel but you handle it just as amazingly here and I love you for that. Despite it happening a longer time ago it still affects her and she's very secretive about it, which imo is very in character of Rory.

I seriously can't manage to like, sit down and write a coherent review on the development of Rory and Jess's relationship here because I truly love it too much to say. Everything about it is amazingly well done with them, which is something that I've grown accustomed to when reading your stories because you're just a natural at writing them.

I also cracked up so much at Jess messing with hungover Rory in the morning after. I love that moment so much.

Also I really like how you develop Paris's storyline throughout this fic and the sequel. I'm definitely more hooked on her having a bigger role in the sequel than in this one and seeing where she continues forward with a baby and everything.

Onward onto the sequel!
jldp3 chapter 27 . 5/22/2017
i love th u s story and its squeal.
snowwygirl4 chapter 26 . 12/1/2016
I really liked this story! Were Jess and Luke supposed to be related? I kept hoping that we'd see that they'd figure it out of the relations but it didn't so maybe not? But I've always been the biggest fan of House so it was cool to see them be all doctor like! :)
victoria0613 chapter 3 . 11/17/2016
Oh my god bullshit thats not personal and rory is perfectly confident in her mind and skills, she just cant handle a piece of shit asshole like youre making jess seem because no one could, you dint need to say someone cant make it to make them feel that way and jess knew exactly what he was doing.
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