Reviews for Olympus: Dare the Gods!
WinterWind14 chapter 3 . 5/22/2015
Keep going
arcticmoankeys chapter 4 . 1/2/2014
I dare you to have me, Austin Pamaj, son of Apollo in the rest of the story as your evil companion *cue evil laughter*
GenryuBlack94 chapter 4 . 10/22/2013
hahahaha nice update. i dare all ten demigods to write a haiku that Must impress Apollo and the Olympians. I also dare to make a Hunter to practice a maid cafe at both camp for full one day.

hope you update soon.
Lioness Deity chapter 4 . 10/21/2013
What was that arabic translation?
Spartan Army chapter 2 . 9/24/2013
Hahahaha I liked chapter one. I dare ALL the gods to act like total idiots for two weeks. Also, I dare Athena to pretend to like Poseidon for one week. Please update!

Guest chapter 2 . 9/3/2013
jEEZ, ninjagal2000.

P.S. You look like and oracle to me.
blitzhannan chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
Oh! I dare all children of Hypnos that currently reside in Camp Halfblood to take Trucker pills with every meal and drink at least 8 cups of coffee each day for the next three days! I also dare Apollo to organize a concert for Camp Halfblood and New Rome and his children to help their father organize the whole thing! Your welcome...
blitzhannan chapter 2 . 9/3/2013
You sure you're not an oracle? When I read the "...not the person behind you..." part I looked behind me and my roommate was standing'd you do that? Anyway cool beans on this new story and I look forward to all subsequent updates!
Finwitch1 chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
I wonder how Vatican would react if the pope got hit by a lightning in public and died of it? And if they just voted for a new one, that one died the same way? And after the third one died, Jupiter came up and told them all that in latin... (Vatican IS inside the city of Rome even if it does have independent status so I figure that Roman aspect would be more appropiate).

Would you mind telling me what that Arabic text said. I'm only getting error messages...

And a dare for Zeus: Tell Hera that brothers and sisters are too closely related to be married.
zephyra chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
I loveeee you ninjagal2000 I can't wait for the next chapter. Bwahhahahahahahahahahah! Okay, here's a dare.

Dear ninjagal2000 and every demi-god, god, titan, satyr, nature spirit, and monster.

I dare you to have a huge family reunion and to look at the photo books and discover how every single one of you is connected. Oh yeah, and spirits of the dead to.

I am stocking a bunker full of supplies to last eternity and hoping that you can't find my bunker, zephyra
GenryuBlack94 chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
this is truly hilarious. why don't you make after they watch lord of the rings then they must watch all of harry potter's series.

and also will you continue 'Olympus: Ask The Gods!'
DeathmatchDrunkard chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
Oh, come on... All sworn maiden goddesses still maidens? See, wasn't that bad.

Eh, bad memory? Percy already got Calypso free.

Thanks for handling everything like that, ninja. Found a loophole I didn't consider while writing the dares.

Effing spoilsport-terrorists. They were supposed to smite him. And interfering with Zeus' dare - big no-no. I'll have to come up with a suitable punishment... And remedy that loophole in all future dares.
Aleksandryna-Zinnaella chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
This is brilliant, absolutely hilarious! Please update soon! I don't have any dare ideas, but as soon as I think of one, I'll submit it.
Flyinturtles007 chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
THAT WAS AWSOME can't wait for next chapter are you still going to continue Ask the gods though