Reviews for Carry On My Wayward Son
Her Royal Goddess chapter 1 . 9/18/2013
A great little fic, you pulled the 8th Dr off really well Xx
araeofsomething chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
Awww...still brings a bit of a tear or two to my eyes! She got an intimate moment with the being she loved - albeit he wore a different face. My heart broke for them! lol Tenderly and realistically written, lady. You just know I can't resist a sneak peek on your stories. ;) *hugs*
pink.lili.flower chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
Love 8th doctor/rose stories. You did a great job writing the doctor who we have the less amount.
gallifreyan-gryffindor chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
I really like your story, and I have no notes on it. However, at the beginning when you quoted the song 'Carry On Wayward Son,' you listed the band as Journey. It's a Kansas song, not a Journey song. But it is a good story, there aren't enough Rose/8 ones out there.