Reviews for Comfortable
Alsyxx chapter 11 . 11/14/2016
I really enjoyed this! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Keep up the good work :)
SexySloth chapter 3 . 3/5/2016
Love this already. I came here after finding your other story "Breaking the Rules". Got to chapter 19 and finished it…and now I'm in serious withdrawal. Your stories are so yummy! 3
natasha.brittain.3 chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
I adore you Enjonine stories, I think I'm as obsessed as you are about this pairing. There is just something about them I just can't put into words :D I know that many people have portrayed both characters, and they have been fantastic and different interpretations. Most recently played by Samantha Barks and Aaron Tveit in the incredible movie, but I imagine Nina Dobrev and Alex Pettyfer as more modern versions of Eponine and Enjolras. I'm sorry if they are the way that you picture them but for some weird reasons these actors just creeped up on me when I was reading your story 'Breaking the Rules' and they seem to have stuck :) I think it's because your stories are modern interpretations and these two actors are incredibly talented and popular as of now and I thoroughly enjoy their work. Plus Nina has the European look and beauty of Eponine and Alex has the blonde extremely handsome looks of Enjolras. Plus I always imagine a Katherine (The Vampire Diaries) edge and boldness characteristics similar to Eponine but when she plays Elena she shows a gentler and more vulnerable side. And Alex has that stoic and hard look of Enjolras but also the soft side that you create with Enjolras. You are an amazing writer and though I am only on Chapter One I'm already intrigued and super excited to read the rest of this story. Thank you for taking the time out of your very busy days to create a piece of literary work for all us Enjonine fans to enjoy. Please keep writing because you are awesome at it :) Thanks again lovely. I hope your life is filled with happiness and smiles! (P.S Sorry for the extremely long review).
GalanthaDreams chapter 7 . 4/4/2015
My heart was twinging and twanging, you really pulled on my heart strings here, especially when he kept noticing her new beaus car and when she set boundaries.
GalanthaDreams chapter 5 . 4/4/2015
You know that yawning pit you feel in your stomach when something bad happens? I felt it when I read the ending. Your story is absolutely, fabulously, and devastatingly evocative.
Smithy chapter 10 . 1/27/2015
Poor 'Ferre {I use the name James}. The poor guy has been, in the words of Dante Falconeri from 'General Hospital', been scarred for life.
Smithy chapter 1 . 1/26/2015
As much as I liked your story, I have a little constructive criticism here. Perhaps you should tone down on the cursing a wee bit. It was a little uncomfortable for me to read, and I've been known to spew out the 'F' word on occasion {when I'm really, really ticked off at a royal jackass.}.

By the way, congrats to Eddie Redmayne on his latest win. Now all that's left is the Oscars and BAFTA. I may have a good feeling about the Oscars, but he may have the BAFTA in the bag. I saw the acceptance speech on Youtube, and he looked royally shocked.
snowflakeswift chapter 8 . 8/14/2014
ooh I like Amanda! I can see her with Courfeyrac or Grantaire!
snowflakeswift chapter 7 . 8/14/2014
I love it when there are Enjonine arguments that actually make sense
Queenie Greengrass chapter 11 . 12/16/2013
I'm crying, ohmygosh thi was so good. The fluff killed me.
FabulouslyFreeSpirited chapter 11 . 11/7/2013
Great story! You have a knack :-) Lovely work.
guest chapter 11 . 11/2/2013
bravo! love the story. and i will definitely visit new orleans for some tater tot nachos. :D
Romance and Musicals chapter 11 . 10/27/2013
Oh wow, this was brilliant. Really sweet and adorable and ahh! A bit of angst, but not enough to devastate me thank God. And just wow babies. Sorry, I've been reduced to an incoherent mess of feels. I shouldn't read E/E fics after watching Once Upon A Time. Just, bad idea for my emotions. I loved your pop culture references. If even "Yetta's Letters" couldn't make Enjolras feel better, you know it's bad lol. I loved the friendship Eponine and Enjolras had before and their relationship as lovers afterwards was completely beautiful. And Courf, R, and Combeferre were brilliant. Oh, poor Combeferre! He heard some sh*t lol. Excellent work.
10298635 chapter 11 . 10/19/2013
Just read the entire story in the past 2 hours and it was amazing! They're sooo cute together! :)
Team Les Amis chapter 11 . 10/15/2013
LOVE! This was amazing! I COMPLETELY ADORE YOUR E/E FICS! PLEASE WRITE MORE:) Breaking the Rules is perfection so far! Please Please Pleasee make more e/e fics! you are a fantastic writer!
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