Reviews for Sybill Trelawney and the Unexpected Gift
spin84 chapter 1 . 4/14
In these strange and uncertain times I’ve come back to FF as a comfort, and you were one of the first authors I thought to look up again. This one caught my eye, as I had no recollection of reading it before (and let me tell you that is very odd as you have long been a favourite and I felt sure I had scoured everything with your name to it!).

Oh. My. Goodness.

If I am to make daily lists of things to be grateful for right now (as every social media covidiot seems to shove down my throat) then this story is going straight to the top of my Quarantine Top Ten.

How did I miss it the first time around? Perhaps because Sybill has never really interested me as a character, nor the fact that Emma Thompson was jumping up and down as the only British actress not involved in the film series so they had to shoehorn her into a role that didn't really suit? Either way, that was evidently my loss. Everything about this - and I mean EVERYTHING - was just so. It all made sense. You’ve joined up the canon in my head.

I can’t even think of any specific lines to quote back, it was all just perfect. I’m going to read it again in a mo (what else to do with the eleventy billion hours left before work starts up again?) but I just had to say thank you for putting electronic pen to electronic paper.

I hope you and yours are doing well. Take care and thanks again Xx
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
Very well done
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 2/12/2016
Yes, fake soothsayers only take money, but the real ones sometime take all hope. Poor Sybil!

What a pity she didn’t warn Snape about anything—she of all people could have seen through Dumbles’ so-called Greater Good.
Emily J. Redbird chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
You must have heard this dozens of times, but this story is truly brilliant.
I spent more than an hour listening to mugglenet's audiobook version of this, and spent that hour in total immersion. I can't put into words how much this story speaks to me. You did a great job on it :)
Greetings from Denmark,
Aeterna Nox Rosa chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
Wow. You've written an excellent story about a character that up until now I've always found to be extremely unsympathetic.

You've also given me a whole host of new ideas. Damn you! I'm already plagued by enough of the blasted things. :P

This is going into my favourites. :)
Backward Mind chapter 1 . 10/5/2013
Nice ending. It really tops off this fantastic story. :)
Swallow B chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
I really liked this. There aren't many stories that give Sybill a voice - at least, an intelligent one. This was very well done, with compassion for the difficulty of Sybill's calling. I noticed, as I read the books, that though everyone made fun of her predictions, they had a lot of truth in them.

And I loved how her friendship with Minerva evolved, while keeping both of them beautifully in character.

My favourite lines:

"You'll want to get in." "I sincerely doubt that."


"She was going to vomit, or worse, utter a prediction."

Minerva having overcome a drinking problem? It's not impossible.
ChocolateTeapot chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
This is an excellent story! I really liked how you portray the characters. I might however put a line break or something between significant timeskips.
Singofsolace chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
There isn't much I can say other than this was absolutely brilliant. Had me enraptured the whole time I read it. It was very nice to hear someone give Professor Trewlawney a chance and a voice. Well done.
Deia Silva chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Great story, very touching!