Reviews for The Road To Hell
KatieLyn chapter 59 . 3/31/2016
It was a great ride. My only regret is that I didn't force myself to read only a chapter a day so that I could have enjoyed this series over a longer time period. And well, I may have missed some sleep and some chores. I know it's been a few years since you published this but I hope you know you gained a new fan of your work.

I'm so glad you gave even crazy Carol a happy life. Now we know Jim was bipolar but what the hell was up with her?

Oh before I forget, I must admit I cried when Solion passed because we did lose Leonard Nimoy for real. And just yesterday Patty Duke died suddenly. She was a well known advocate for bipolar disorder awareness. The timing of my reading this story is therefore uncanny.
KatieLyn chapter 52 . 3/31/2016
Holy carp fishing! You've been building up to this since the beginning haven't you? I remember the various melds and the intensity and disorder in Jim's mind and their effect on Spock. This is so well done and explains why Jim is so extreme.
KatieLyn chapter 28 . 3/30/2016
How can there not be any reviews for this chapter? It's beautifully constructed with positives at the start and then David drops THAT comment at the end and you can practically hear Mwa ah ah ah at the end.
KatieLyn chapter 17 . 3/30/2016
Carol wants nothing AT ALL to do with David? I thought she had regular visitation and at least retained a relationship that way. Wow, she really is a nasty piece of work!
KatieLyn chapter 15 . 3/30/2016
I love a Bones! I'm so glad he's here.
KatieLyn chapter 14 . 3/30/2016
Oh my God is Jim on his period or about to have Pon Farr? What a horrible thing to say when Spock was trying to explain how he feels. I can't wait to read the next chapter but I'm scared, too. You write some nerve wracking family drama.
KatieLyn chapter 13 . 3/30/2016
Okay Jimmy you've done it now! What the hell, dude? I know you're feeling rejected but David is a teenaged boy and you're a grown man with a responsibility to him. I know I excused Carol in a previous review but we all know she's a bit batshit crazy in many ways.

I know Spock pulled this crap earlier but not when David was directly going to be impacted in that moment.

Poor David.
KatieLyn chapter 12 . 3/30/2016
Goodness, in the future people in general and parents specifically aren't allowed to have tempers at all? It's not like punching a wall is violence against anything other than plaster or drywall! I myself kick baseboards or wad up paper and throw it and my kid could care less and is happy and well adjusted. And even the baseboards don't have so much as a scuff on them.
KatieLyn chapter 11 . 3/30/2016
Spock, you got through to a teenager! Amazing work there.

I can't blame Carol for her decision and her behavior. Firstly, she's probably not been raised all that will herself. It sounds like her own mother was one to hit a lot. I remember that from David's initial reaction to Winona. Secondly, after raising David exclusively on her own for several years, especially through the physically taxing infant and toddler years, she found herself soundly rejected by her only son who, in her own eyes, she put first above everything. And she was judged by a court to be an unfit parent.

A real person would be reeling from all of that. Especially one as flawed as Carol. And she obviously has a streak of pettiness. Is it really a schlock that now that she's found her own identity in middle age that she wouldn't want to drop everything without any warning or prior discussion to take in a child who rejected her once before.

And it's not like David is doing this because he wants to be with his mom for the sake of their relationship. He is single mindedly focused on a girl and doesn't care that he's hurting his dad who raised him at his request.

This whole thing is such a mess and I can't wait to see how it's all resolved. I can't put this story down. I wish you were writing some of the dramas that are on tv. You could have saved some of my favorite soap operas!
KatieLyn chapter 10 . 3/30/2016
Okay this is just so messed up. Carol doesn't have custody because she was mentally unstable and physically abused David and still says nasty things about David's custodial parents that harm David's understanding of homosexuality. There is no logic sending David back to her. What is Spock thinking? David is only 14 and he has to finish his education. He can't be making these decisions based on proximity to a girl. WTF?
KatieLyn chapter 9 . 3/30/2016
Okay you've done it again and changed the ages of the characters, I think. Originally David was about five or six then he was four and a half when we finally saw him. Earlier Jim was said to be 38 when Spock was cleaning him up. Now he is 40?

The story is excellent but loss of continuity like that can be a bit jarring for me at least. It throws the sequence of events off.
Tess chapter 59 . 8/5/2015
I know you said you will not post in this series again but I would like to read the fifth story as well. I think it would complete them and if my suspicions about what is in the last story is correct then I am sure I would love to read it. I feel that it is not time to part with the series yet. I will be rereading them over and over again. I wish to thank you for all of your hard work that you put into this gift you gave us. Also thank you to introducing me to the song Answer. I can't stop listening to it. I hope that if I ever get married that I will have this song playing at my own wedding. Your work has inspired me to write again. I will be on the look out for any new stories written by you. Again thank you very much. You will never know how much your stories have inspired and helped me. Please continue writing. I look forward to reading more of your work.
tanseynz chapter 59 . 7/23/2015
A great series of stories - very domestic and a nice sideline to Starfleet 'stuff'. Ty for sharing them.
tanseynz chapter 58 . 7/23/2015
A very interesting result - sorta magic.
tanseynz chapter 50 . 7/23/2015
Imo Kirk is not thinking like a person with a husband and a child, but someone who is really alone. He understands he is hurting them by leaving, yet is still determined to go.
What he's not capable of working out is that by his actions he could well lose both of them. A self-fulfilling prophesy perhaps?
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