Reviews for The Pretender
Blaise chapter 1 . 8/24/2019
JKR could never in her wildest dreams do justice to Ginny the way you can.
Aninimouse chapter 1 . 8/20/2019
Wow I am sorry that no one has reviewed this. It's so wrong but so bizarrely good all at the same time. Teddy Lupin in the midst of an affair with Ginny Weasley, morphing into a younger Hermione. No one but you could ever pull it off so well.
Capecodcanal chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
Oh! Ouch! Well done!
Crushcrush12 chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Estoy traumada, pero me encantó.
Bad Mum chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
This is wonderful, the telling herself it's just once then twice, and knowing it isn't. Teddy morphing himself (the "below the waist" comment made me laugh), Harry being oblivious - and the hint that maybe he isn't really. And the ending, because there had to be one, is just right with just a perfect hint of uncertainty about the future.
Intervigilium chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
That second "Good" that Harry lets out makes me wonder if he knew about it; there's just something about the 'secrecy' aura around this story (and it's entirely to your credit that it reads like this) that makes even the slightest whisper seem loaded with meaning.

A strong, hot and emotional read. Congrats!
Snarky64 chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Again, you excel with sensuous and sensual details, evoking moods rather than analysing them. You tell us exactly what we need to understand this affair, from Ginny's perspective. I can't help but wonder at that last line. You know why my head canon tells me? Molly knows. You have such individual flair. Another good one-shot.
Wrexscar chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
Oh, last line, ouch.

As with all your work it is perfect in it's shortness.
Your ability to capture a situation by talking about something else.

"She's glad she only ever buys white bed linens." Tells us so much while talking of something mundane.
Thank you for writing.
Respitini chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
How in the nine hells does this story not have 86,000 reviews? I've read more than a couple Teddy/Ginny stories, and this one is the best by a mile. Ginny is perfect, and so very sympathetic, even in her adulteress role. And Teddy doesn't get away with it here, as he seems to own his part in what's going on, too. This is now totally headcanon for me, btw.
writer0 chapter 1 . 9/17/2013
This was so good. It was sweet and sad and even hot, briefly, and somehow in 1500 words you managed to get me just as wrapped up in the it's-not-love-but-it's-not-lust as they were. And as always, I'm very envious of what you manage to say without actually saying it.
zorica chapter 1 . 9/16/2013
I like it ! Thanks for writing .