Reviews for The Potter Attraction
Ironshot chapter 83 . 11h
Great story though I wish I'd caught it before it reached what appears to be a conclusion despite not being listed as completed at the time of this review. The last few lines leave it just open enough to continue in a future chapter or a sequel.
Chessmasteroftheuniverse chapter 83 . 7/15
(facepalm) I am pretty sure Harry didn't enter gringotts to become a sovereign in his own right. What will his wives think of this? ANYWAY, this was a great story that showed many great plots and many action filled scenes. While an epic way to end this story, wish it wasn't on a cliffhanger on what harry had just realized that he had done.
Chessmasteroftheuniverse chapter 35 . 7/14
the vestiges of Chakra is spreading. now it exsists in TWO worlds.
thedarkwolf95 chapter 83 . 3/10
will this ever be finished
ddsurvivor chapter 83 . 2/28
LOL Hilarious ending. Wonderful Fan fic! Great Job! Number 1 Harry Potter Crossover to me by far.
Vallavarayan chapter 23 . 2/17
... you are telling me that chunnin exam day naruto could not destroy malfoy manor? naruto should have been able to destroy hogwarts if needed... a couple of sage enhanced rasenshurikens should have atomised the manor.
Seraphy64 chapter 19 . 12/18/2019
Stories like this are why I dislike harem stories. It took idk how many chapters to even mention "Vicky" came with Naruto and his harem. Then another few chapters for Haku to be mentioned as another wife. How many more does he have? 2 dozen was mentioned in the first or 2nd chapter, but with how this story is all over the place that might not even be accurate.

Then Harry keeps getting more and more girls in his own harem. And at this point they're just random names, they have no character behind them. For most anyway. And the ones that do have a some personality or character it's only a tiny amount. Hermione's main character trait at this point is her proclivity to wiggle her ass in Harry's lap to make him get a boner.

Adding so many girls is pointless. The muggle girls especially at this point.

The dialogue is pretty painful a lot of the times too.
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
read marker
Guest chapter 17 . 10/23/2019
Right then, Harry really should have given Fawkes a pierce of bacon, dont you think?:)
Guest chapter 16 . 10/23/2019
I do wonder why, in the HP world, every animal is so crazy about bacon!? I mean, I love bacon, but it is rather salty, mostly a taste only humans like.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/23/2019
Please, not McGonagall, I keep imagining 2nd year Dan Radcliff with Maggie Smith, and its just WRONG!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2019
The author of Chunin Exam Day, Perfect Lionheart, put this story on his favourite list.
yesandnobecause chapter 9 . 10/7/2019
good story but harry blushing ruins the strong character, atleast for me.
Rairi Valelira chapter 10 . 9/27/2019
Now I want my own Harry...
Rairi Valelira chapter 6 . 9/26/2019
Random thought that popped up. Did they ever have kids? Considering how they stopped aging, does that make their own kids look older than them? That would be weird.
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