Reviews for Celebrity Status
Alison chapter 14 . 12/24/2014
I can't find RaeRae1107 who would continue celebrity status... Could you help me?
Guest chapter 13 . 11/12/2014
oh c'mon
u r an amazing writer. if tis story deserves an ending, u shld be the 1 to write it. dun give up on it! pls?! :)
AnthonyRodriguez chapter 13 . 9/24/2014
I dont know if you remenber me, probably not, but im pretty sure I did review on this storie and Moving in with R5 ...So im beyond sad and broken hearted that your not writing stories for the Auslly fandom anymore but I respect your decision and know that your growing up and got to move on. Trust me it feels a little weird now to watch Austin and Ally and though I found Last Dances & Last Chances adoreble and cute the kiss was just...just...expected and less magically BUT i think I know the reason...SPOILERS!...FUCKING SPOILERS! they ruined the whole season and well fans automatically knew how Austin and Ally were going to end so whats the purpose of watching it. Another reason might be that the cast are adults now and have more things to worry and focus on. The seasons:
First seasonWe met the cast, we fangirl/boy about the tiniest moment between Ausll, we got a fresh and highly good show
Second season The cast is growing up and so are their future and careers, we meet a possible singing/songwriting career for Ally, Auslly is born, new songs are made
Third season Cast is older therefore its a little weird, Auslly is meant to happen, spoilers ruined the entire season, rates are low due to what? you guessed it! moving on or the the time in which the episode airs and lastly fans make a trend talking about how Austin and Ally is great and all so the show is renew
Fourth season?
...sorry I got a little carry away. But listen what Im trying to say here is that even if your not writing stories for this fandom anymore youll be writing again for something else that will turn out to be incrideble. You have an amzing talent, you have made me cry even when I dont want to, the way you write the stories cant be explain becuase there just su pure, youre a true author because your emotions and style does not come from imagination they come from your heart and feelings. You give the reader the feeling of wanting and wishing for more. Lol I still remenber my first impression of Austin and Ally it went something like this: "ugh another sitcom comedy, seriously Disney you cant find something else than just comedy and music. I swear Im not watching this thing." Yet a month later I found myself getting exited over a simple hug or complitment they make for each other...4 years later Im writing a review to an author telling and triying my best to show how grateful I am for all the stories she wrote on Auslly. So let me get to the point: "Thank you so much so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, much for all the things you wrote...hopefully youll always go back and smile about the show that embark you into writing and who knows maybe youll decide to wite a one-shot...once again thanks and dont forget how talented, special, incrideble and great you are..."

Anthony Rodriguez(A grateful guy for all of your Auslly stories lol)
SomeMusicalMelody chapter 13 . 9/21/2014
Hi Morgan c:

So, um, hi.

As much as upset I am now that I read your note, I'm gonna accept the fact that you've moved on from this fandom. I mean, you were the first person I've ever spoken to here and I guess I'm just sad that you'll be gone. (im eating ice-cream as im typing this by the way... i just wanted to put it out there for some random reason) But I guess I'll just have to suck it up and get over it.

But I hope you'll have a great future and don't forget to stay Louder N' Prouder :P.

I hope you'll make a wise decision about giving away your story or not.

So I guess for now I'll say; Until next time, Ms Freeman. *salutes*

Guest chapter 13 . 9/21/2014
You broke my heart but i understand
Guest chapter 12 . 6/20/2014
I absolutely love this story! :D
Please so continue!
Scrittore Ombra chapter 12 . 5/24/2014
Hi Morgan,

Awwww, our girl is in love. Can you guess what song is playing in my head right now? LOL actually I had two songs playing in my head. Why oh why did the "I hate Ross" song put the "Soup, soup, soup" song on my mind? I had to laugh at myself because I couldn't stop singing it. Do you know how hard it is to get the voice of Megara singing soup, soup, soup out of your head? Let me tell you, its pretty darn hard :).

Oh the bantering :D. My heart was singing for joy (hehe had to stick with the singing theme). My favorite line was "I don't think those were my exact words I used..." This was so totally them. He just loves to argue with her. How cute would that be to find him snoozing while listening to music? (Sorry my mind just took a turn and pictured him laying the way you described).

Although I adored the interaction between the two of them, I think I was more taken aback by the family dynamics at the beginning. The tension was palpable between Rocky and Riker. Rydel being hurt by this was heartbreaking. And Ryland . . . what can I say about him? Your portrayal not only caused me to pout at his comforting side but laugh at his absolute maleness of not knowing what to say or do in the next minute. Ooooo, I hope we have Ratliff in future chapters. I look forward to see how you involve him in the story.

Wonderfully sweet and enduring!

Scrittore (:
writermeAL chapter 12 . 5/24/2014
oh my gosh... that end was so sweet! nearly melted of feels. I loved the chapter! amazing job.
can't wait to read more! update when you can! :D
tairdnaxela chapter 12 . 4/28/2014
Dont-Stop-Believin chapter 12 . 4/28/2014
Awesome job please update :)
xxSmileYoureBeautifulxx chapter 12 . 4/27/2014
Omg Laura is falling in love. Are we gonna get ross to fall? ;) haha I can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 12 . 4/27/2014
Thank you so much for updating! :D
Keep up the beautiful work of yours!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Reviewer chapter 12 . 4/26/2014
It's okay. :/
Guest chapter 11 . 4/19/2014
Oh my god. I understand that you are stressing and frustrated about this. I'm so sorry you had to go through this! :/
I (and the rest of readers) appreciate your honesty and the fact that you feel safe to share this with us. I'm glad that you rely on us as much as we rely on you! :D
I'm so utterly happy that you'll continue writing! I love your stories! They are truely amazing and you're so incredibly talented! ;D
Keep up the beautiful work of yours!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
SkinnyJeansNLattes chapter 5 . 4/19/2014
Omg?! This is amazing! There better be another chapter tomorrow ! This is simply amazing!
Keep writing, keep shining and keep trying xx
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