Reviews for Monster Wars : Another POV
Guest chapter 3 . 7/17
You're missing something here. The first Zilla was not female, but male. He could reproduce asexually. That's how he laid all those eggs. I know some people get confused, but a male laying eggs is a natural phenomenon in the wild. As is the ability to reproduce without a mate.

This story is pretty good overall, though. Really makes me believe that it's Zilla Jr who is narrating.
Awesomezilla chapter 5 . 4/1
I just thought I'd leave this here...

The mechanical parts yield in an instant, as if a switch had been flipped. But life, even a parody of life, is more stubborn. Mere moments separate the failing of both, but they are enough. Half a face twists in a faint smile and four words issue from a misshapen throat. "...P-proud of you... Son..."
mikemagnus7 chapter 6 . 5/22/2019
This was adorable! Everyone was in character, the way you wrote the Big Guy was realistic, and it felt like I was actually in his head.

Speaking about B-G, the way you wrote him was UTTERLY THE MOST HEARTWARMING THING EVER!
Sam Fraser chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
An idea; it is years in the future, and Godzilla dies peacefully of old age. How would people react? Nick would certainly take it the hardest (even if he felt awkward being Godzilla’s “father” at first, he certainly grew an attachment to the creature). HEAT would probably be disbanded, and Nick, assuming his releationship with Audrey goes nowhere, only has his memories of Godzilla to sustain him. Eh, I’m actually upset writing this idea. Sorry for bringing the subject of sad/tragedy up.
Sam Fraser chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
I was moved when Godzilla protects Major Hicks and Colonel Tarrington by stepping in front of them and being sprayed with the scorpion's acid. Tarrington then orders Godzilla to be killed and Hicks is aghast, pointing out that Godzilla took a hit for him. I can't believe that he wanted to kill Godzilla even if he took a hit for them and he could have died. Godzilla nearly died that time because of his kindness.
Sam Fraser chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
I also like how well the animation can depict Godzilla’s emotions. For example, when he defends Nick and the gang from the squids when they are on the boat in Jamaica, and Nick exclaims "Godzilla! You're alive!", Godzilla looks down to check on Nick, and we get a close up of his face, as if he is saying, "Dad! You're okay!".
Sam Fraser chapter 5 . 8/3/2018
...with the same resigned look in his eye he gave him when he died on the bridge, but with a sign of thankfulness as well, perhaps because he knows he is taking care of Zilla Jr.; then he dies. The other change I would also do is have Godzilla do not a victory roar, but a sad roar, since he did kill his real father. Perhaps, do an extra scene with Nick and Godzilla still acknowledging their huge bond, despite the revelations that Nick was not his real father. That how I would do it, of course.
Sam Fraser chapter 4 . 8/3/2018
...sequence, I think it would have made Nick’s bond with Zilla Jr. more powerful. If they had extended the fight with Cyber Zilla, like maybe depict him still being alive for a few moments, after Zilla Jr defeats him, he dies just how he did the first time, but no longer under the control of the Tachyons; he acknowledges a look of recognition and respect to his son. And Nick watches him die, but this time, he puts his hand on him and gently comforts him in his final moments. Cyber Zilla looks...
Sam Fraser chapter 3 . 8/3/2018
At the end of the 98 movie, Nick looks to be a bit solemn as he watches Godzilla slowly die in front of him. This is explicitly described in the novel, which he narrates, saying he feels like rushing over to him and trying to offer him some comfort, but he just stands there. In the animated series, when Zilla Sr. is killed on the bridge, he dies at once, thus there isn't a moment where Nick watches it breathe its last and die. If they had animated that sequence, like how they did the previous...
Sam Fraser chapter 6 . 6/23/2018
Can you do a fanfic on Godzilla's POV during the events of "new family"?
Kamen Rider Goji chapter 2 . 8/30/2014
Great showing Zilla Jr.'s feeling towards Nick. He really cares about Nick and looks up to the guy.

We also see Zilla Jr.s view on the mutations.
Kamen Rider Goji chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
I like this chapter. It does show some good thinking and POV of Zilla Jr.
sapphire sasunaru wolf chapter 6 . 6/2/2014
wow I have to say, this is absolutely fantastic! I love how you describe Godzilla's confusion, and then rage, when it came to his "mother", and his guilt, and loyalty to nick. there really just aren't enough fanfic's about there relationship. and I love, how you portrayed it. so incredible! please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! do the whole series! I would love to read about how Godzilla really felt, when he first see's nick. it would be so cute! so keep up the great work! much love and support! 3
GKoh chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
The idea is amazing. Hope you can do your take on the other episodes such as New Family.
Angelus-alvus chapter 6 . 4/17/2014
I loved this story. Great work.
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