Reviews for I'm Back
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
Amazing writing!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/13/2015
Oh. My. God.
This is amazing.
You are amazing.
This is the best god damn fic I have ever read
Thank you
Thank you so god damn much
ImbackTBack chapter 6 . 6/23/2015
Nice Story one of the best storyline. i loved it. so much. make more of Free Fanfictions. youre so cool
imtoogaytofunction chapter 6 . 5/13/2015
I don't hate Erika as much anymore.
imtoogaytofunction chapter 5 . 5/13/2015
I really don't like Erika. She only wants to date Rin because he's famous!
aucan chapter 3 . 8/4/2014
im really liking this story so far
anniethewise chapter 6 . 7/12/2014
Des-Deactivated chapter 6 . 2/8/2014
Oh, my god... I wish I could favorite this story over and over and over until the fanfiction people made me stop! This was... this was pure beauty. I love how that ended! It was final, not too mushy, not lovey dovey, and it still got the point across! I love it!
please delete accoint chapter 6 . 1/25/2014
Aww that was just adorable
Melmel Phase chapter 6 . 1/25/2014
Aww what a great way to end it. But she's damn right! That ring had ALWAYS belonged to Haru! Gou is so sneaky XD I love her. Hate Erika. She can fall off a bridge. Good thing she let him go though without a fight or we would have had a problem I love how Rin immediately switches from guilty at angry at Erika. That was PERFECT You don't see that a lot, just the guilt continues and their like "it's okay now" NOPE XD Rin wasn't havin' it. He was like, "You bitch, this is your fault!" XD Loved this. Very nice work
NezuShibeb chapter 6 . 1/19/2014
Jiyuu-no-Tsubasa chapter 6 . 1/18/2014
So much feels, I'm crying!
At first, I was thinking that Erika was a bit irritating but her last sentence was so heart-breaking that I couldn't help but start to like her a little.
And Rin and Haru are the dorkiest dorks ever! All this fluff is killing me, seriously!
hananotsuki hime chapter 6 . 1/17/2014
Great story! I liked it a lot. I have much respect for Erika in the end for how she let Rin go like a G, but I still don't really like her, lmfao. The ending was cute. Thanks for sharing this fanfic. _
hananotsuki hime chapter 5 . 1/17/2014
I really don't like Erika...she is overbearing, nosy and annoying. She's only with Rin for prestige, not because of actual love. I can't stand chicks like that.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/17/2014
Thank you for updating so quickly. I really loved the ending - even Erika redeemed herself in my eyes. I'd love to read a sequel that delves into Haru and Rin's reconciliation. Have a good weekend :)
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