Reviews for Hiding
DragonLadyRelena chapter 2 . 5/7/2019
There's also all of Jackie's comments about "airs and graces" she kept tossing at Rose. Like wanting more for herself was a bad thing. It always seemed to me like she was trying to keep Rose from reaching her full potential. "This is it, Rose. You're going to be working in shops the rest of your life, until you're too pregnant to keep working and then you'll be too busy raising said children until you're forced to retire with nothing to show for it. Might as well accept it." The whole conversation in the TARDIS during Doomsday suddenly makes a bit more sense. When she asks if she'll settle down, I think she's not just hoping Rose would stay on earth and safe, but get a job, marry and raise a bunch of kids so she's stuck at home the rest of her life.
NabikiB chapter 8 . 2/27/2019
So, angsty enough for you? Needed to get a toe back in the water and thought I'd start with something with an emotional kick...
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 8 . 2/27/2019
Damm this is just wow love it
JannaKalderash chapter 8 . 2/26/2019
I guess that masculine stupidity is a universal constant; no matter how intelligent they are, the can still do unbelievably stupid shit.
Just like this.
I can only imagine what the other companions have to say about this situation.
moonlitbutterfly13 chapter 7 . 3/2/2017
more please. please finish this
Unseen Watcher chapter 4 . 2/16/2017
Definitely an interesting turn. Love the protectiveness of all of him.
IrishIris chapter 4 . 5/6/2016
Damn skippy "there will be no marriage to River." All the Doctor needed was Rose, amiright?
Trowa'sDancer chapter 4 . 1/28/2016
This was for chapter 5:

I just thought of something after re-reading this story for like the tenth or twentieth time, because I absolutely love reading the stories you write.
What about Susan? You said the companions are there, is this for First, with Susan or after she leaves?
And how would she react- if she is there- to having, for all intents and purposes, a new grandmother with new aunts on the way?
How would Susan and Rose interact with each other?
I would eventually like to know these answers. I'm not going to beg or bagger, because I have read your author page and I know better than that. But all in your own time, because to me, as you are one of my most favorite authors on fanfiction, your stories are always worth the wait.
Thank you.

Fleur24 chapter 2 . 10/8/2015
OH my goodness! This isn't good at all. Poor Rose! I'm in agreement with the Doctor, besides just for health reasons, she's better off on the TARDIS with him. Her self esteem and self worth need to be built up immediately, but it will take away for that to happen. Its sad that such a brilliant clever women like Rose, had grown up being talked down too, and taken for granted. The Doctor's attitude at the time didn't help either, but I'm glad that he's going to change that.
Fleur24 chapter 1 . 10/8/2015
Oh Rose. This is certainly new and different, or perhaps I just hadn't noticed it before. I can't even start to imagine all the things she must have seen and had to deal with growing up on the Estates. It makes me wonder how old she was when she first started having to do surgery on people and how often she did it.
I'm glad that she hid on the TARDIS instead of going back to Pete's World, if it was making her sick, and putting her in danger. For all it's dangers, she is indeed far safer with the Doctor on the TARDIS than anywhere else.
jules452 chapter 7 . 8/21/2014
What happens next? Are the Doctors able to fix Rose?
NabikiB chapter 7 . 4/22/2014
When Rose hid instead of disembarking with Handy, the universe she was a part of started to alter.

When Ten made the decision to take her to his bed on the TARDIS, he completely missed the first major split.

When he took her to an unspoiled island in the Earth's past...during an era where a large number of his selves the period, the breach of reality became a canyon...but when he called his otherselves in to help fix Rose, a new universe began...

All of his selves had all of their attention on Rose...none of them were monitoring anything or anyone else...when she ambushed First, she made it irrevocable because she got away with it.

Face this universe, from First onward, the Doctor is domesticated.
NabikiB chapter 6 . 4/22/2014
Keep in mind, I used the old numbering in this one. In this universe, the War Doctor never happened...and this Doctor has been interrupted before Eight could be drawn into the war. All you need to place all of the selves of the Doctor and Rose into a new universe, is for none of those selves to be paying attention.

Their attention is elsewhere...and the island has already split away from their universe of origin and is becoming something new. The canon time line of the Doctor is still in place in the old one, but these selves are...different.
Lovelythingsonthemoon chapter 7 . 4/21/2014
Oh god! This was so hot! I really love this history and I looking forward to new chapters. But just a thing, I kinda confused with the chapters, I don't understand how the doctors will change things and help Rose, but that could be just me, I think I going to reread. But I would be very happy and last confused if you could explain me or, I don't know, someone else?

Love this and pliss update soon. XD
jenn008 chapter 7 . 4/20/2014
Update soon!
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