Reviews for Labyrinth: Kingdom Come
lykiana chapter 8 . 3/24/2017
Rock God, HAH! That made me laugh out loud. And oh wow, gotta love DarkFaeJareth!
Distopian chapter 24 . 2/25/2017
I enjoyed this story quite a lot!
HardfacedQueenofMisadventure chapter 26 . 11/18/2016
Again, I stand in awe. This is my third full read-through of what might be one of my favorite existing stories on this site. And again, I can't quite articulate all of my feelings properly.

One thing which really stood out to me was the beautiful parallel of Sarah brushing Jareth's hair versus Jareth brushing Robin's in The Exile's Lament (though thankfully without Sarah eating all of the loose hair, heehee). Your descriptions are delicious, and your prose is very soothing. And strangely, I find myself wanting a replica of Jareth's "revelry" outfit, polished purple boots and all. And possibly Finnvah, although by the sounds of it, Toby might already have bagged him :)
Nanenna chapter 25 . 11/6/2016
Ah, at home! Where I'm actually logged in. I kept forgetting to sign my reviews, sorry about that.

Anyway, wonderful story! It was really gripping, kept me reading voraciously even when I had other stuff that needed doing. I wasn't expecting the death twist, but it felt so right. And the wedding and reception were so sweet! I loved every moment of it. Thank you for writing this! Now onto the next story!
Guest chapter 24 . 11/6/2016
Ah! A wedding! I am delighted to accept the invitation. This story has been marvelous start to finish, it was a struggle to put it down before bed last night. I can't wait to start on the next one.
Guest chapter 20 . 11/5/2016
I don't know what to say. Just... well fuck!
- Nanenna
Guest chapter 15 . 11/3/2016
So Finnvah is Robin's child after all. But that just leaves me with more questions, not less.
Nanenna chapter 6 . 10/28/2016
I guess we all know who the worm is. Good, I wanted to see his punishment. Butt also... eugh! Do no envy him, and even feel a little pity.
To be honest, at first I thought Finnvah was Maryam's baby, but if he's so much younger than Sarah that he's about Toby's age then I guess not. Good, it would be a little too convenient that way. I do hope we get to find out something about Maryam at some point though. I liked her.
Sazzle76 chapter 26 . 9/21/2016
This was great, as always, fantastic interweaving of threads for this story. I like that we were constantly wondering at everyone's intentions. I must admit I picked up on whose death Jareth was hinting at early on, however that did not take anything away from the story.

I loved the new characters you introduced. I was pleasantly surprised to see the name Vercingetorix, I think he is a historical figure that should have been celebrated more for his final stand against the Romans. When I first heard his story when I was a teenager, I felt sick at what became of him and his people. So lovely to see his name resurrected.

I shall indeed be reading Part 3, and if you are not already published out there in the real world for your prose, you bloody well should be!

Thankyou : )
ujtqeopufy8huieqjbnwjv9uy8hui chapter 25 . 5/31/2016
You, my dear, have a gift. I hope you're writing original stuff too. I'd buy it in less than a heartbeat.

Also, FOUCAULT? REALLY!? As if my poor historian brain didn't get enough of him already. If you like him, you should read Walter Benjamin. More ridiculous, less Freudian, and all kinds of fun. At least as fun as historical theory can be.

Well now I'm off to read the next installment.
Ciekawa Osoba chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
Your writing style changed. It is rather odd, it seems younger here. Less direct.
AbriannaPhang chapter 15 . 4/5/2016
I read part 1 and I can't tear myself away from part 2. Jareth is such a confusing enigma, portrayed as a puzzle to the reader and he is as difficult to crack for me as I take the journey with Sarah. Your writing is incredible and this story is wonderfully original, I'm glad to have found it. I've had to leave behind my knowledge of the Labyrinth and how I see the characters and I'm forced to re-learn and let go. This is fantastic and it's taking me on a journey I never envisioned. High praise for you and your gift!
Pixelfixx chapter 13 . 2/14/2016
Good lord, everything I intended to do today has fallen to your tale. Eight p.m. on a Sunday, reduced to a hungry slattern, and too caught up in the adventure to resolve either state. The Labyrinth herself couldn't distract more (though her king would be very welcome to try).
Pixelfixx chapter 3 . 2/14/2016
Only on chapter 3 but hooked already - and that's before Jareth makes an substantive appearance! You breathe such life into the Labyrinth. I can actually hear a mule-drawn milkcart clattering over the cobbles :)
Rose chapter 9 . 2/7/2016
I feel so conflicted! Your Finnvah is the first fanfic original character I've ever fallen in love with! Can Sarah just run off with him? I never thought I'd want Sarah to love someone other than Jareth..
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