Reviews for Half and Half
LightnigJack chapter 19 . 1/2/2016
Compucles chapter 30 . 10/5/2013
This was a pretty good story. You meshed the worlds of "Ranma 1/2" and "Inuyasha" together pretty well and wove a believable half-demon love story between Ranma and Akane while keeping them mostly in character with their canon counterparts.
Compucles chapter 27 . 10/5/2013
A bladed mace?! What the?! I can't figure out what that could possibly look like. Maces have spikes, not blades.

Why is Ranma bothering to accept this challenge? He has no obligation to battle under Cologne's terms. They should just take her out as a team like they've been doing the whole battle up to this point.
Compucles chapter 26 . 10/5/2013
Someone failed geography. Last time I checked, China was west of Japan. On top of that, Jusenkyo and the Chinese Amazon villiage are in Western China.
Compucles chapter 25 . 10/5/2013
Well, Kikyo once explained that the jewel could've turned Inuyasha human only because he was already half-human. As for the jewel itself, Kagome didn't purify it; she [spoiler] turned the jewel's power on itself by wishing for its destruction, [/spoiler] so your explanation on Kagome reabsorbing the jewel's power doesn't make sense, either. Oh well, you did the best you could with what you remembered.
inulovegirl713 chapter 8 . 8/16/2013
wait does ranma have ears like inuyasha too or is it just akane?
AliceTheBookGirl chapter 30 . 11/30/2012
What an awesome story. This is one of the only RanmaxInuYasha crossovers that is finished and has a decent ending. I loved the concept of Ranma and Akane being hanyous. It is beyond amazing. Great work!
inuyashafans chapter 5 . 11/18/2010
i wanna see inuyasha please!and kagome!
gaara king of the sand chapter 11 . 9/1/2010
not bad i like the story and it's to bad that it all ready ended i would of helped but to thing stoped me one i didn't no of ranma 1/2 till 2007 and didn't know about fanfiction till 2008 so i gess all i can do is read what you made well till next message bye
gaara king of the sand chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
first 17 that's all the demons and good story i my keep reading and let's see were this go's till next message bye
DragonSword35d chapter 11 . 10/25/2009
I just want to point out that Inu yasha's Full Demon thing is due to his fathers very powerfull demon blood. Depending on Ranma's heiritage, it should't happen to him.
YuriFan5 chapter 28 . 4/4/2009
I knew it! As soon as I saw the words "thik, grey clouds" I knew it was going to rain. I never expected it to have such a result, but it was comforting none the less. I thought for a secodn that Ranma was going to lose.
YuriFan5 chapter 27 . 4/4/2009
The imagery in this chapter is very well done. So well done, in fact, that there is actually a little movie going on inside my head. I a mquite satisfied, although I would like to know why the challenge log was used.
YuriFan5 chapter 26 . 4/4/2009
I'm guessing Nodoka's disgrace was marrying Genma, a human. And then after her redemption she'll become a much better mother.
YuriFan5 chapter 24 . 4/4/2009
... Well, that was interesting. Mousse a human, Inuyasha winning(actually not that suprising since you gave him 500 years to improve his horrible fighting style), and Ranma's a lord. This doesn't bode well for peace in Ranma's life.
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