Reviews for The Secret in the Dark tides
Saleems chapter 13 . 2/15/2017
Dear JadeVictoriaDH, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease do another chapter for this and baby mine I really like your work and you've left me in suspense for 3 years same with baby mine you probably must be having a writers block I would know it happens to me very often for me :P Anyway thanks so much your #1 fan,

~Saleems~ (:
Loz98 chapter 13 . 9/22/2015
Hey guys, just a little update!

Jade is in Australia, and I'm super busy with school, so I'm REALLY sorry for not being able to post in forever, but get ready because Secret in the Dark Tides is coming back! I have been posting profusely on BookTrack (a free app you can download in the Google Play Store that allows you to add soundtracks to your stories - make an account and check it out!). Currently, my BookTrack profile (same as here - Loz98, or you can search "Secret in the Dark Tides") has Chapter 14 posted! Go and catch up on what you're missing! Also, re-read the preceding chapters as a lot of them have been edited and improved upon. Reading a book with a movie-like soundtrack added to it is an amazing experience and I highly recommend any other aspiring FanFiction writers out there to use it!
On another note, the SITDT Google page is still active, let us know if you would like us to keep posting book art. Also, this book is rapidly coming to a close, so keep your eye out for a trailer for our next book in this series on YouTube! (Go follow Jade VictoriaDH on YouTube to receive an alert when it is uploaded.)

I want to thank all of the wonderful readers of this novel, Jade and I (Rylie) really appreciate it, and hope you will continue to stick with us as we finish this intense tale.

~ Love the author and editor of Secret in the Dark Tides ~
LivBenso chapter 4 . 6/6/2015
perfect continues...
LivBenso chapter 3 . 6/6/2015
perfect continues..
LivBenso chapter 2 . 6/6/2015
perfect continues
PioneeringAuthor chapter 2 . 5/22/2015
Dear Reader,
This quickly gets more serious, so be prepared for tension to build.

To the authors,
Don't forget to italicize all thoughts, and separate the dialogue from the main parts of the text in the last paragraph, okay?

The pioneer with a heart for people and a thousand stories to tell ~~
PioneeringAuthor chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
Dear Reader,

This is a bit amusing, but also serious and romantic.
I enjoyed it!

To the authors,
Well done first-person view, but please remember to separate all dialogue from the main text, thanks!
By the way, Monaco, this is Germany!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
the story is brilliant keep writing your a really good writer
milarionized chapter 12 . 5/19/2014
I think this is cool...
Bety chapter 14 . 4/21/2014
por que ya no puedo leer tu historia si es genial plis continua
MMSan chapter 14 . 4/12/2014
love it! but, when are you going to continue writing?
Aira chapter 14 . 3/25/2014
Wow it's amazing for u to have a different approach in telling the story. And it was not difficult to follow. More more more chapters Please. And more Milarion! :-)
Jenny chapter 14 . 2/21/2014
No entiendi bien este capítulo osea por lo que entiendo el ministro de otoño está avergonzado por lo que hizo pero no entendí que onda con Clarion, Milori y Sirrenna
I luv Milarion 1201 chapter 14 . 2/17/2014
WHAT? MILORI IS CAPTURED BY THAT EVIL CODFISH MERMAID! AND EVEN DARE TO KISS HIM! : : god , this chapter left me breathless and worried! Btw, great work as always, can't wait to read next chapter
JENNY chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
Ahí está genial tu historia me muero x saber q pasa con clarion muy hermosa elegante noble en fin osea ella es una mujer muy valiosa aparte eso de Jacinto la beso q la fuerza. Y creyó q Milori le fue infiel está genial Xfa continúa pronto
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