Reviews for Romi
Guest chapter 20 . 12/30/2016
Sorry but that was absolutly fucking shit
angel897 chapter 20 . 8/20/2016
enjoyed reading this story
angel897 chapter 4 . 8/19/2016
most interesting chapter to read enjoying this story
0Tenshi-no-Tsubasa0 chapter 20 . 4/17/2015
This was truly amazing! I want more of it too! Romi is such an amazing character and that surprise at the end was really cool! Please write more going into the second movie! Please keep it up!
HeartofFyrwinde chapter 20 . 4/8/2015
Well, well, well! Finally, someone who's done some Prime-universe research! I frankly wish more people writing here would play Star Trek Online. Brilliant game, it is. I actually joined about a month ago for the purpose of finding out what had happened in the "Prime" timeline since the destruction of Romulus. I was surprised to learn Nero's history, to be sure-with the Narada all 'pimped out' with Tal Shiar/Borg-adapted technology, no wonder he tore apart the USS Kelvin! Maybe you could touch on the events of the prime universe in more detail in a future story, or involve Q and pull a timeline-crossover event. That'd be fun to read!

Anyhow, I enjoyed this tale a lot! Well written with great balance between 'showing' vs 'telling' the reader what's going on. There were a few parts that felt a liiiiiittle bit shaky, mostly because of the breakneck pace of the storyline. I assume you'll be filling in the cracks of the larger
backstory as you go along, so I won't complain, merely note the fact. Your grasp of your OC's quirky character was solid, and I gotta admit she and McCoy had some fun golden moments. I do hope she has a few more interactions with Spock Prime-the old fellow could be a good grandfather figure to her. (Rest in Peace, Mr. Nimoy...)
But great work. Good luck on 'Pixie and any other
Guest chapter 19 . 8/18/2014
Very nice story, especially linking it to STO!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/22/2014
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: if you are to write in my native language, make sure it is correct. Also research the dialect they speaking in Milano, there are roughly 22 dialects of Italiano. In Rome, they speaking Laziale, which is standard Italiano, e in Milan they speaking Lombardo Milanese. The two are very different. I am of the Marchegiano region and I am barely understanding of a man from Milan it is so different. DiValdi is also uncommon in north Italia, there is more german influencing there. One last thing: it is spelt buongiorno, and the italiani rarely use dio mio, instead we are using mama mia. Grazie e buona fortuna!
- Romana Galgani
maryjanek chapter 13 . 3/19/2014
Love your story. Great new character - Romi.
T'Liana chapter 19 . 3/19/2014
An excellent ending. I'm looking forward to the sequel :D
T'Liana chapter 18 . 3/19/2014
Woah. Talk about a bombshell! The epilogue should be very interesting... and you've completely upped the ante for the sequel. Ooh just wait until Leonard finds out... ;D
ThrashLikeAMechanic chapter 18 . 3/19/2014
Ah this story is so good I love it! I can't wait for the srqual! More sexy bones scenes please and thank you!
ilovemedia18 chapter 18 . 3/19/2014
Oh I have missed this story! And it was well worth the wait. Interesting twist there by making her Romulan. I can't wait to see the reactions of the others especially Spock and McCoy's. Will you be going into Into Darkness?
sherry15 chapter 18 . 3/19/2014
I always kind of figured that Romi wasn't quite Vulcan, I'm kinda thinking about when the Romulans attacked the conference on Mars when Romi was little. It makes sense now, also the fact that Romi isn't telepathic. I look forward to the epilogue and I will miss this chapter.
MistoffelessTrekyManiac chapter 17 . 3/16/2014
LOOOOVE IT! don't stop! and i love to see her in into darkness as well so yes please to the sequel
ilovemedia18 chapter 17 . 2/1/2014
Yes! Hahaha, I love it! And I'm really hoping he was about to say Admiral McCoy :) This was another wonderful chapter and I can't wait for more. Cheers!
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