Reviews for Three Turns
BookLover4242 chapter 4 . 6/26
I guess they probably haven’t made the map yet, so they can’t find out their real names from that. As far as I can remember, the Marauders aren’t even animagi yet.
Twig the Half-Blood chapter 77 . 5/22
I'd like this better if the last 8 paragraphs didn't exist. bleh. i'm gonna ignore those.
TomatoNado chapter 12 . 5/17
they're british. they would have said happy christmas.
mddomene chapter 77 . 4/14
A bit sad that the counterparts dissapeared, and weird that nobody cared.
FlipFloppyWishyWashy chapter 12 . 2/3
omgomgomg please tell me that you are gonna pair harry and young!snape in this, cause I am totally shipping them now after reading this mediation scene. They have adorable chemistry! You have to pair them, it's your fault I ship them cause you write this and it made me 'awwww'.

I thought RemusHr would be my otp from this story, but not annnyymorrre!

Am I imagining it?
Blackbob chapter 20 . 1/24
Happy Birthday to your mommy! Well, I would like it to have my mother as co-writer but she isn't the slightest bit interested in Harry Potter, same with my father and my sister is just not experienced enough. And she is really bad at English. We are from Germany, you see, and she isn't THAT good in English class
Blackbob chapter 7 . 1/24
I love that. Me and my sister were just singing that and when that line came up, I started laughing so hard I couldn' breathe and my sister looked at me like I was just being drowned by...idk...Lily Evans?!
Blackbob chapter 1 . 1/24
Well, that should have been a one-shot? Before you decided that it should be a 77 chapters long fanfic?!
adamantiumsleep chapter 77 . 12/1/2019
Uargh, did you have to?

Very marauder banter focused. Everything else seems to just click into place. Was a bit disappointed to have such a one dimensional Lily and lame relationship between them.

The instant friendship with Peter was not even remotely believable, I'm all for forgiveness, but harry is a 13 year old, that maturity would be uncharacteristic.

Yeah, really hate how Lily is done here, such negativity and apathy.

Regulus was cool though.

Why was Charlus not more involved?

What happend to the memories of the new Harrison and Hermione?

Easy to read, and fun. No bashing thankfully.
Gabri chapter 14 . 11/26/2019
I read these books too!
Victoria Taylor chapter 77 . 11/16/2019
This was a great read. I love each chapter. I just wish there was a epilogue.
Guest chapter 77 . 11/3/2019
eww why snape?
MeinGimli chapter 77 . 9/22/2019
Wonderful Story, but then you had to ruin it in the last few lines.

I wish Lockhart would be here, his Obliviate would be welcome.
Severuslily169 chapter 32 . 9/5/2019
I really did try to give this story a good chance but this is so ridiculously OOC. Why the fuck would Harry still be best friends with SIRIUS after they pull this shit? And everyone is acting ridiculous. I'm always up for a good Snarry (though really wasn't expecting that in this story) but the character development is nonexistant.
Wolflover1523 chapter 77 . 6/24/2019
Obviously harry
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