Reviews for I Walk Alone
sp chapter 8 . 11/7/2013
great chapter and i liked that he became ssj the same way that trunks did, i can't wait to see your fics and the way gohan protects trunks and bulma. Also bulma is going to be more mature right? and gohan becoming like goku but more serious . trunks history was my favorite movie and episode in the whole series and i can't wait to see what you will write! Keep up!
Starfire Grace chapter 8 . 11/8/2013
Gohan becomes a super saiyan AWESOME! I can't wait to read more update soon :3
madamdegrassi16 chapter 8 . 11/6/2013
Love the ending! I'm glad you added more to it :) It's way more effective this way, as you can feel it slowly building. And the way you used the cracks in between his every thought really gave the illusion that it was too much for Gohan. That it all became so overwhelming that the dam literally broke. I've got to say that this transformation was the best that I've read in the few Future Gohan fics that exist. I think splitting the story up would be a good idea. I mean it'll flow better as a series than just one long story. It takes place over many years, and sometimes packing it into one story is just too much.

xoxo madamdegrassi
sp chapter 7 . 11/3/2013
Great chapter! i liked vegeta's death it was in character, usually he is cocky and cold hearted but when he is overpowered he actually has the time to realise that he cares for others, i would have like for him to mention smt to gohan but it was good. How are they going to escape now the z fighters?!
Starfire Grace chapter 7 . 11/2/2013
Great chapter Vegeta died meanful :,( *crys for Vegeta*
sp chapter 6 . 10/24/2013
great chapter! gohan went false ssj right? and i like the fight between vegeta and 17 they are both so in character
Guest chapter 6 . 10/24/2013
Final Flash not crash
android727 chapter 6 . 10/25/2013
That was amazing! And oh so sad! Is this going like the original; will everyone die except Gohan? I know the title suggests so it's just really depressing! It's ok I love it anyway update soon XD!
Starfire Grace chapter 6 . 10/24/2013
Awesome chapter can't wait for more i'll be following :D
Starfire Grace chapter 4 . 10/24/2013
Great Chapter and the story title reminds me of that song by Green Day lols
Starfire Grace chapter 2 . 10/24/2013
It's just South City great chapter BTW :)
Starfire Grace chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
Alright a Mirai fanfic I can't I can't get enough of these :D I wrote one myself any good so far kinda sort but still good :)
android727 chapter 5 . 10/21/2013
That last sentence! I am very excited so please update soon! I don't usually like stories set in this timeline, but this is amazing! LaterXD
Sansational Puns chapter 5 . 10/19/2013
I think it was fine. :D Can't wait for more.
madamdegrassi16 chapter 5 . 10/18/2013
I think the fighting scene was fine. I know a lot of authors have trouble with them, so I wouldn't worry too much. As you go along they will continue improving :) I love how you're giving a lot of attention to the first appearance of the Androids. I feel that in stories like this, no one really takes the time to do all the deaths justice. It's more than just the Androids killing. It's the Z-Fighters battling to help and protect the people of Earth. I'm not exactly a fan of you using the speech Gohan gave in the History of Trunks, and applying it to Piccolo. I like the concept of Gohan honoring his mentor with his last words, but I just feel that Piccolo deserved his own sort of goodbye. But I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter! An angry Gohan is never good for any enemies.
xoxo madamdegrassi
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