Reviews for Convergence
Guest chapter 9 . 4/18
Sauron: 0
Shepard: 2
avistheshade chapter 1 . 4/1
well that was certainly interesting... its got great potential, an usual mix of universes, which, at least so far, works incrediblly well. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Papa Smaug chapter 9 . 2/28
This brilliant stuff. Your writing is enjoyable and detailed and you've got a really great and original concept. Definitely hooked.
Pokybyte chapter 9 . 1/28
Good god damn you need to continue this fic
bloomsburry chapter 9 . 8/22/2019
Love it! Please update!
Arekanderu chapter 9 . 7/13/2019
God I love this story so much!
jubileemarie chapter 9 . 7/11/2019
Still holding out hope for an update my dude
j.smitheram91 chapter 9 . 5/16/2019
Man, making the ring reaper tech just cheapens the while story and the lore of both universes to me.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/25/2019
Why the fuck did you turn the Ring, an artifact of great magical power forged by a fallen angel, into some tech built by two-bit Borg knockoffs?
Chaosredshift chapter 9 . 1/3/2019
Interesting spin, do continue.
Drunkle Qrow chapter 5 . 11/25/2018
Oh shut up she says to Sauron...Shepard is a boss.
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 9 . 8/6/2018
A brilliant yet simple solution to the Ring that canon Fellowship would probably be beating themselves to missing (even just the lead part). And that idea alone probably convinced Elrond and Gandalf she was worth coming along, never mind all the other stuff!

A very original and engaging fic that draws you in. Brilliant character work, as well as pointedly not making Abigail not to OP

Keep it up!
The Amazing Chicken Dinner chapter 9 . 7/15/2018
Question; will you be respectful to the nature of the source material? Considering what Sauron is, and when LotR takes place, it’s not beyond ruling out that the Arts of Sauron are identical, mayhaps even older than, the ones used to create the Reapers. Or have you decided to frame one story overtop the other, for ease of transition between the two?
tch chapter 9 . 7/8/2018
I forgot to mention that arrows dont deliver anywhere near the kinetic energy that modern bullets do so in theory Shepards biotic barrier should stay up indefinetly no matter how many arrows are being fired at her.

Tbe only threat to her biotic barrier collasping would be a big orc hacking away at the barrier several times with a large axe. And that's assuming she doesnt just biotic charge all over the place to recharge the barrier constantly, as well as creating confusion and chaos. In theory she could take down thousands of orcs with biotic charges and unlimited recharging biogic barriers before she gets tired.
tch chapter 9 . 7/8/2018
Sheppard could modify her stasis to wrap around her mind on permanent basis to defend against the indoctrination. In theory she can defend herself mentally with her biotics which opens up possibilies and avenues of biotic uses.

But I feel you have cheapened the concept of the Ring as a magical, mystical object by making it a reaper tech. Magic already exist as evidenced by sheppards brush with the morgul blade and the wingraiths. So its not very believable that the Ring is a Reaper tech rather than magical trinklet that houses part Saurons soul.

Anyways Sheppard was very sloppy against those ringwraiths. How did a wartorn N7-Spectre fresh out of galactic war suddenely get distracted enough for a wingraith to knock her down and stab her with a morgul blade. That is also not very believable. You made that scene just so you follow canon events that occured in the books/movies, only with Sheppard getting stabbed which by rights shouldn't have happened. How sloppy.
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