Reviews for Bug on a Wire
GreatWyrmGold chapter 1 . 8/10
Solid story overall. The concept of Taylor working with Sophia* before either of them knows who the other is behind the mask is compelling, and the prose is quite competent.
On the petty side of things, your section markers seem like they should be center-aligned and you use hyphens (-) as em-dashes (—). Those are a little distracting, but still petty.

The biggest criticism I have is that Taylor feels too much like Late Skitter and not Bug Superhero (name pending), *especially* with her approach to dealing with the guys on the porch. Taylor has been doing some undercover work, but she's clearly earlier in the year than the beginning of canon (since she's still on "hello world" and not showing you understand last week's lesson by coding a calculator), so she can't have that much experience (and she presumably has no combat experience).
That's a problem I have with a lot of Worm fanfiction, and it drives me up the wall. The way Taylor slowly drifts from principled wannabe-heroism (with an occasional undercurrent of schadenfreude) to an ends-justify-the-means villain queen is pretty dang engaging, and having Taylor just skip past most of it kinda ruins the effect...and also makes Taylor less relatable for anyone who doesn't get a sadistic kick from seeing criminals tortured by bugs.

But aside from that one thing, you didn't cut out the background that so many fanfic authors skip past, assuming their audience already knows everything. You also made that section original enough that people familiar with the source material don't just tune out. That's a tricky act to balance.

*Spoilers for the novel which this fanfic is based on. Not that I see how anyone sufficiently engaged with the community to read fanfic reviews hasn't been spoiled about basically every meaningful thing in Worm, even if they never read the original...
ironcoati chapter 5 . 6/28
Love this!
Dedischado chapter 5 . 1/22
Too bad this has been abandoned, it deserved more...
Guest chapter 5 . 1/6
Colin, you f*&%ng amateur.
Immortal ninjaaa chapter 5 . 8/27/2019
Didnt Taylor just break the unwritten rules right here.
Slavok chapter 5 . 3/14/2019
know it's been a long time since you updated, but seriously! Just when it was getting good.

Something I like about Worm is that there are so many characters that could have gotten along with each other if they had met under different circumstances. The first two times Skitter met Panacea, Panacea hated her, but after the Slaughter House Nine attacked they were almost friends. I mean, just look at Rachel! In the beginning, Rachel hated everything on two legs, but by the end, she loved Taylor as much as she loved her own dogs. If Taylor was willing to put that much work into a relationship, then she could get along with virtually anyone, even some as violent and acerbic as Sophia.

So on the one in a million chance that you one day decide to revive this story, I have a few predictions on how it could go. The rest of the Undersiders either become Wards or go to jail. Brian probably will take the deal, but Rachel's too stubborn and Alec doesn't have much in the way of powers the good guys want. Either way, they're out of the picture for the time being, but first Lisa is going tell Armsmaster everything she knows about Skitter and Shadowstalker that, while strictly true, will paint them in an unflattering light.

By the way, kudos for keeping Lisa true to character, but showing the side of her that she usually points at the antagonists. Also, the similarities between her and people like Emma I believe were intentional on Wildbow's part, but never fully explored.

Anyway, Armsmaster will continue under the belief that Skitter and Shadowstalker (man, those two need a team name) are unhinged, emotionally volatile kids who need the structure and oversight of the Wards program before they kill anyone else.

But honestly, that and the escalating gang warfare is just background noise to the real story. At what point do they find out each other's secret identities? What happens then? Because what Taylor wants is escape, but what she *needs* is friends. When she finds out that the closest thing she has to a friend right now is also the bully that turned her oldest friend into her worst enemy, will she break up the dream team or try to make it work? And when Sophia finds out that the ruthless, unyielding, and honestly terrifying person she knows spends her days as the most pathetic loser in the school, does she lose all respect for her teammate or realize that she's been basically taunting Cthulhu for the past few months?

Of course, you'll probably never finish this, so this is just wishful thinking on my part.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/20/2019
Well that going to piss off sitter
saevevial chapter 5 . 1/12/2019
I like this story. I haven't read much of Worm and it's been a few years but I still remember enough to be able to follow the story, mostly. I like the bug stuff, they're interesting, especially the breeding and how the mc uses them to fight/spy on people.
ChronoMitsurugi chapter 5 . 11/19/2018
See, this kind of shit of paradoxical.
You have Tattletale put a gun to Skitters head and make me choose between waifus.
Than you have Skitter reverse the situation and make me choose again.
And then you have Tattletale pull her foxy games out on the protectorate and remind me why she is tied with Skitter for Top Waifu.

Stop messing with my feelings.
ReadR13 chapter 5 . 9/16/2018
Love this, hope you continue it.
Sorre chapter 5 . 8/16/2018
Hmm, Tattletale covered for Coil because she knows that outing him would immediately get her killed.

Not gonna lie, I laughed at the little trip to DC. 20 minutes to go from the Mall to the Zoo? Hahahahahahahaha lol

Really though, I did enjoy the story. Please update soon.
HelveticaStandard chapter 5 . 8/13/2018
Beautiful, beautiful story. It's a shame that you seemed to have abandoned this. Thanks for sharing anyway, and hopefully you'll pick this back up someday.
losthpfanficwriter chapter 5 . 4/18/2018
A very interesting story. I hope you pick it up again.

Skitter as a vigilante unknowingly working with her psychopathic bully, the Undersiders trapped into servitude, and all before canon even kicks off... so many possibilities.
Nyx the Author chapter 5 . 3/1/2018
So if she joins the wards, then Shadow Stalker would know because she's- wait. Dammit, I forgot Sophia isnt a ward in this story. Sneaky sneaky :) Anyway, she'd be able to give away stuff to coil. Dammit, I hope you update this someday.
InsaneIsBestSane chapter 5 . 2/28/2018
it failed, if the op was the next chapter anyway
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