Reviews for Maybe
Thatisdeathbeyondomparison chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
:333 yes Nico, they do care for you.
JsP chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
I love nico... I love leo... I love hazel and FOR GOODNESS SAKE I LOVE THIS... There I love this -takes a deep breath- I like this a lot and how nico finally sees he has friends people care!
DarkHorseBlueSky chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
Aww...I'm smiling.
Good for you.
(As you could probably not see until I told you, I'm trying to read as many of your fics as I can within my limited window of time.
It's very limited.)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
Great! But you do realize that HOH isn't the last book. The Blood of Olympus is next.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Aww this is sweet :)
Read Please chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
i like it
I'm a big fan of the Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus series and I really like how you made something original out of that.
I'm reading HoH now and oh my lord I can tell you already there are some pretty intense moments.
That's partly why I haven't updated in a while
The new Merricup chapter is up and the solar surfer design is too if you wanna review 'em
I need ideas for that one-shot series though
Please continue this, I really like it.
Ok, bye
Liana Legaspi chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
I like it! :)
inescapablesuffering chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
I didn't actually expect to like this oneshot, but you successfully proved me wrong.
Extreme props on your first fanfic! It's leagues better than my first, which I have to look back and cringe upon.
I can't see you having this problem.
I'm excited to see new talent coming up in this fandom, and I hope our insanity doesn't drive you away!
Nico. Oh Nico. I have to say, you're VERY, VERY brave posting this before reading HoH. Especially one about Nico. Just pray you don't get a spoiler.
Feel free to PM me after you've finished it, too. I'm always interested in new fandom friends, and I'm pretty sure you'll freak.
ANYWAYS, back on topic, if you have any questions about the fandom or anything, feel free to ask.
A few things, (or maybe just one, depending in my train of thought): CONFIDENCE! Like dude, you're story is great, so have more confidence!
Also, perhaps a shorter Authors Note, or putting it at the end? Or even some at the beginning, and some at the end? I don't really mind it, but a lot of people are turned off by a large A/N at the beginning.
Also, I feel like you had it in you to go a little more in depth with Nico's character and feelings of isolation, and the realization that he could actually care about these people. You have the potential for it, and there's definitely a lot there to work with.

So yeah. This was going to be a short review, but considering the joy I get from reviews, I just thought "what the heck," and went for it.
Best luck to you, and I hope this gains raging success and many reviews!
OldNarnian chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Totally love it! Unlike any other ;) And I'm always misspelling the gods names too. It is entirely their own fault.

BTW, HOH is really good. I liked it WAY better the MOA. I hope you get your hands on it soon! If not, someone left a link in the reviews of my last story (Lipstick and Mascara) if you want to read it...
1Captain Obvious chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
You did amazing when I read this I thought you read all the books yesterday. This was superb in all ways. This was amazing. I thought I was kinda a sweet on how you ended it on a happy note.