Reviews for Scarred Perfection
DaleJr.88 chapter 1 . 8/6/2017
This story is probably to closest I'll learn about Weiss getting her scar. Like so many others, I also have wondered how Weiss received that scar.

Good work, I enjoyed reading about Weiss having a strong determination.

Caeoltoiri chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
Oh my god, what a perfect interpretation of the White trailer-my heart hurts for Weiss ;-;
Tear of Light chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
This is definitely an interesting take on the White Trailer. I like it. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Fantastic job, as always! I really need to stop saying that, it's annoying even me. :\ You already know you're a fantastic writer anyway. XD
Somehow, I find the skewed perfection thing to seem PERFECT for her. Pun intended. :P It's as if she's rebelling against everyone, saying "screw you and let me live my own life", because that's pretty much what she's doing anyway. Somehow, imagining her doing everything slightly different from everyone else just seems so fitting for her, as such actions can make one seem far more random and dangerous, the kind of thing one might expect from a true ice princess. Underneath all that grace is a hidden beast waiting to strike, and that side is the one that relies on the skewed perfection, because it is what makes her unable to be perfect in the first place.
knives4cash chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Very impressive!
Uwe.No.Hakutaku chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Now this...THIS is the fic Ive been looking for! The perfect fan fiction/Weiss's POV on the battle. How she felt on that scar, a bit of openings in her life, etc. I really REALLt love it, so keep it up!
KouhaiNyan chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Goodluck with your midterms! Absolutely good as usual. I've always read your works even back when I was still a silent reader. Keep it up.

Yuki _