Reviews for Rage On
Random Peep chapter 4 . 12/24/2015
Want both NagiRei and MakoHaru! Hehe xx
whatthehellwasithinkin chapter 4 . 12/15/2013
This makes me want to draw them doing all sorts of band related things. Speaking of bands and all, how does Haru stand to close to him and still not see past the hair color and all? He must seriously be into the image of Makoto like that to not even see the resemblance. Anyway, (Rei and Nagisa are so cannoned it kind of hurts) couple number two is adorable. For serious their interactions so far have been funny. Up until the two of them going at it like bunny rabbits. Rei is seriously adorable when he begs.
Hope it goes well with you then, we await the next chapter eagerly. What shenanigans are Haru and Makoto going to be up to? :'D
Guest chapter 4 . 11/23/2013
Welcome back! Hope for the next chapter very soon!
MaliceHawk chapter 4 . 11/24/2013
Nice one!
But now I really have something to criticise ... I'm deeply sorry!

But its strange to read "Tachibana" and "Nanase" and so on, although they're really good friends. First I thought they didn't new each other that much. Then I got it, that only the story was a little bit different (how they got to know each other etc.). And then I thought I would get used to it ... but after 4 chapters I didn't!
I know that they don't call each other with their last names, but it's still strange to read it.

These are only my feelings. You don't have to change it

But the rest is perfect!

See you in chapter 5!
NyxLied chapter 4 . 11/24/2013
Hot chapter from top to bottom. Too hot.
Mako and Haru "playing" like that was a turn on. Mako owned Haru until the latter became rag on his arms. So much power over one person! The thumb sucking was sexy and you can see how much pent up desire Mako holds for Haru, and Haru has a huge obsession w Tachi. I'm looking forward to read Tachi seducing Haru and their eventual extremely steamy love-making.
This is the chance to see Haru finally behaving uke-like and also seducing Mako. I like that he bit his thumb wow Haru has it on him
Great job! Please update soon
fly-honey-from-the-track-team chapter 4 . 11/23/2013
God bless for the Reigisa
Guest chapter 3 . 11/7/2013
I hope you update real soon
Sasuke-likes-tomatoes chapter 3 . 11/8/2013
AAAAA im so pumped to read the next chapters
Guest chapter 3 . 11/6/2013
I have been waiting so long for this I was starting to think you had dropped the story! Please update again soon!
NyxLied chapter 3 . 11/7/2013
Make Mako, no, Tachi be super dominant and hot and Haru fall helplessly for him! Can't wait for next chapter!
NyxLied chapter 2 . 11/7/2013
Wow so the personality of a Makoto Tachibana is not the real one, but physically that is how he looks like and that's his real name. Tachi Tempei (sticky name btw lol) is a "stage name", dyed hair, but that's the real personality? Holy, so complicated and cool. I'm imagining Makoto acting hot and dominant like Tachi and deducing Haru. I guess "Tachi" will take Haru first?
My, Haru is just like Louise Lane. Clark Kent and Superman are right there, with only glasses to cover his face and she is so blind she doesn't know they are the same person! Also the personality of Clark Kent was the crafted one, with Superman's being his true personality. This is what your story reminded me of, very well done!
Oh for the record, I like how you explained with so much detail Haru's masturbation scene. I can't wait to read more from you and When those two finally do it! I'm following this story do please update soon
Anon-chan-san chapter 3 . 11/6/2013
Aah, it's finally updated. Yay XD

Congrats for the passing midterm 8D/

I'll stick to this story until the very end *nod*
MaliceHawk chapter 3 . 11/6/2013
Yay! That's just how I want it!
The chapter has the ideal length! It's funny and you're torturing Makoto perfectly fine! I love it I hope he will suffer a little bit more before he gets Haruka!
I'm curious of how it will go on! So I can't await the next chapter!

And congrats that you passed your exams!
Gwynhafra chapter 2 . 11/6/2013
This is interesting, putting MakoHaru's steady relationship in, and making a reference to Mako's seiyuu singing the opening and ending theme (and his voice sounding hot as hell, so it's like Mako has another persona to him). Looking forward to seeing where this will go

mamamia005 chapter 2 . 11/3/2013
i cant wait for the next chaper! makoto living a double life? genius.
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