Reviews for What I Need
Soshihun chapter 3 . 1/10/2018
*cough* waiting for moar fluff uwu
Soshihun chapter 4 . 1/10/2018
ahhh feelsbadman... please finish! it is really well written and the characterization is soo perfect. I loved izaya's bitchy remarks lol. The way you built the relationship up to the kiss is nicely paced as well, really smooth and coherent, made me eager to read all of it in one go~ ahh really cute... and bloody.. uwu
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 4 . 6/25/2017
I am honestly impressed at how well you keep Izaya in-character!
I can only hope you keep keeping him in character when they get together. And don't have him go all mushy. He wouldn't be Izaya if he went mushy...he'd me more like that creepy, yet hot stalker that keeps abusing his bf, plays with his emotions and make said bf keep comming back for more abuse. *Chuckles* Shizuo may be the only person who could survive Izaya's love.

I wonder... Izaya always have a need for damger and adrenalin rushes... would he be a masochist in bed? *Chuckles* He has no regards for social rules, so I would not be surpriced if he wanted to fuck in the most inapropriatw places too... *Laughs*

Keep up the awesome writing!
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 1 . 6/25/2017
I aplaude the genious in Izayas plan! *Grins* The added incentive to force him to accept her...much as it didn't work entirely as expected... *Chuckles* It add to the certanty that will both clear him of suspicion for setting it up, and forcing Shizuo to accept... although I would imagine Izaya is clever enough -at least once he thinks it over- to recognize Shizuo being attracted to him. In which case there is a 50/50 chance he won't be able to use a girl... but he should be more than manipulative enough to work him over himself. And Shizuo isn't bad looking. Considering his brother whom he is bound to share alot of physical simularities with, he's likely very good looking...

Well... I am looking forward to see what you have decided to do with this. I already feel better about reading it, now that I know you are inteligent enough to write Izaya at least. *Grins* (a thing many writers sadly seem to lack)
FioraLee Yue chapter 4 . 6/5/2017
This story is so well written, and yet soooo frustrating to read! Because one of them is a coward and the other decided to repress his feelings instead, the dynamics become difficult! lol. Izaya's feelings are pretty obvious, actually. He does nothing but bother Mari-chan. By the way, you also wrote her so well. I rarely ever like a recurring oc like this in the drrr fandom that actually made me sympathize with her because she's "real" and honest, despite agreeing to Izaya's little set up. And she served her purpose well, things dont feel out of place, she moved the story but she doesn't take away the spotlight. That's well-crafted subtlety right there.

I'm cheering for Shizuo so hard right now. I usually am rooting for Izaya and just cant see him get hurt (i'd tear up too much for this trash king) but his jealousy towards Mari was very satisfying.
Usually writers just wrote Izaya off as someone who's forever jealous of Shizuo being surrounded by people who genuinely cares about him, and I usually cannot stand those. Here though, I can appreciate Izaya's jealousy a lot.

Thank you for writing this!

I know it's been two years since the last update, but whenever your decided to continue, I'll be here to read it. :D
UNICEPHALOS chapter 4 . 2/15/2017
I just want to say, this is probably the best story for Shizaya I have read on this site. It's just so... THEM. I could go on and on with praises but most of it boils down to me being able to believe and be immersed in what's happening. Izaya and Shizuo feel really in character. I really hope to see more of it, even if the next chapter takes a year to come. I know people have lives outside of fanfiction and often updates are infrequent, but I really hope this story doesn't die. I don't think anyone else could do it justice. :)

Faery66 chapter 4 . 11/14/2016
Hope to read more soon.

Astrovide chapter 4 . 8/30/2015
No reason for you to be unhappy with this chapter. I've loved your take on Shizuo's emotions so far. Izaya's too, really. I hope things progress between them, in a good way, and Izaya soon owns up to liking him back. Keep up the great work.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/10/2015
Omfg! This chapter! Kya! The plot thickens! The emotional development is very well structured and there is just the right amount of detail. Don't psyche yourself out; this chapter was perfect. I look forward to future updates!
thosehetalianships chapter 4 . 5/13/2015
Ahh this story is actually perfect.
The pacing is awesome and you take your time and draw the good parts out which is amazing.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Sasuki- yuu chapter 4 . 4/12/2015
Amé este capitulo! fue realmente increíble! por fin un poco de acción shizaya aunque espero que haya mucho mas en el próximo capitulo!
Rikka-tan chapter 4 . 3/3/2015
Shizu-chan is so hopeless. Izaya is even more hopeless (in a different way). They are so frustrating (and make me so ajsjdhdhhdhdjdkdkd for them. Lol.)

And oh...

Shizu-chan confessed! (Not verbally. But it was obvious nonetheless).
And as someone who loves watching people, Izaya is bound to noticed.

He did. And go straight to denial. *rotfl*

Actually Izaya's reaction toward Shizu-chan's feeling is quite endearing :)

I'm completely enamored by this story :D
xXImmaMisfitXx chapter 4 . 2/18/2015
Ooooohhhhmmmmmyyyygooooooooodddd. You will never know how unexplainably giddy and joyful I was when I got an email saying that you updated this story (Cus I'm following this story and you as an author so I may watch your every move.) I was so seriously happy I fanfreaked out all day and even told my friends about it even though they had no idea what I was talking about and really I am just still so happy you updated this it was killing me and I already made thousands of endings up in my head.
Anyyywaaayy to the actually story revieewww. In my opinion I think you did a brilliant job as always! Then again I sincerely and deeply love your writing style so you could write a fanfic of Izaya walking around town and it would be the best thing I ever read. I was happy the Mari/Shizuo thing ended, I was so worried it was just going to drag out more in this chapter and I'd be left painstakingly waiting for another chapter for it to end. And yes Izaya's feelings are so very unclear to me and confused me so much I was so confused and flustered! Also can I just say that I serioussllyy loved the way you brought in Izaya's furry eskimo jacket? I thought it was so clever and just yes!
This fic really is just toying with my heart and killing me that last line really just agh really got to me and that kiss was so well written I am going to explode. The way you just describe Shizuo's feelings really are spot on and well done, let me just applaud you a million times for that. Ugh anyway I've been typing for a bit too long now I should probably stop here before it becomes TOO long sorry -; But yes thanky uo sososososo much for updating I really personally loved it and am looking forward to another chapter.
-Thank you for not abandoning this!-
Pencil Samurai chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Well, I like the cliffhanger. Can't wait for the update! :)
Fushiko chapter 4 . 1/21/2015
It's perfect the way it is loved it!
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