Reviews for Date Night
multipazz chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
The last line is more sensual and erotic than a lot of M-rated stuff.
I always enjoy these character insights- makes their future interactions on the actual show that much more interesting to watch.
Thanks for sharing your talent and stay inspired.
mschessplayer chapter 1 . 12/7/2013
Very good story from Reese's POV. Luv the way you get inside John's head and make him self-examine his actions toward our Lady (Detective) On Stage. Wonderful creativity.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
*sigh* This was wonderful. I love how people swear up amd down that there's nothing romantic between are "friends". However, the official POI writers could've let Carter and (Fusco, John, Finch, Bear, and Shaw, I like Shaw) to live. All they really needed to do is put someone in a coma. I'm flashbacks to Rachel's demise in TDK.
MBooker chapter 1 . 11/2/2013

This was great. I loved going down memory lane from the time Carter and Reese met to their beer date.

And the little bit where Reese finished off Carter's beer ... here's to hoping their lips meet without middleman beer bottle! LOL
fangirlu chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
So much was said in this scene using only gestures, expressions and actions. Reese showing up at all said a lot and the fact that he brought beer and was just kind of relaxing on her SUV speaks volumes about how far their relationship has come. I really liked Reese's inner insights here, and I can easily see him thinking these very things.
rose griffes chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
This is a nice reflection on that moment during the episode, plus some excellent background on who Reese could have been.
stlouiegal chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I just love your stories. As usual you are so right about what john is feeling toward joss. I loved how you started the story; with john telling how he never chased after a woman or initiated anything with a woman. The women all made the first move. He just went along with it all. But joss was different. John found himself wanting to make the first move. Wanting to call her first. Wanting to arrange meetings with her. All of this was a first for john, and he found himself enjoying taking the lead. Doing little things to see her, to talk to her. These little things bringing him joy. All things you do when you are in love. I thought it was so sweet of john to surprise joss with her favorite beer. That was so touching of john to put her beer bottle to his lips and to feel the warmth of her hand. It was just so sensual.
Wanda Dixon chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Loved it, especially the end with the bottle.
opheliablack chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Awesome, to see a piece by you. You could have gone the most obvious way with this, but you kept... subtle. I like that.
odalys-ortiz chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Really enjoyed this. It seems like Reese still has a lot more to think about when it comes to Joss and their relationship.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Awesome. Thanks for writing.
lovemboth chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Simply delightful! And I like that he drank from the very spot she sexy! *sigh*
TheNextPage chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
love these one-shots. absolutely!
blacktop chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
The soft melancholy tone of this is perfect, capturing Reese's regrets as well as his hopes. I particularly loved the compelling precision with which you dealt with the plastic water cup from the pilot. I think this is just what Reese would have done with the second cup. And as you know from chat, this is exactly how I think Reese was with the previous women in his life- essentially a passive recipient rather than the active motivator in those relationships. Brava for another fine story!
et28 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
AMAZING! Will try and think of some words to review properly at some stage but for now you're
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