Reviews for Not Yet
bamadude chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
Another wonderful story.
XMarisolX chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
Great story. Short and almost a functional piece of storytelling, but really nails the Lenny dynamic and Penny's pacing. It's my head canon now as far as I'm concerned. I do think Leonard would make a great (and doting) dad.
5Mississippis chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
Absolutely wonderful! And THAT was Penny! You had her perfectly written! From her panicky, flight of ideas thinking to her doubts about caffiene and the over-riding need for alcohol! Loved, loved, loved Leonard's little kiss and whispered 'love you' when he believed she was asleep! Absolutely wonderful! A gem!
isadorahazel chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
I loved how the story went, with well put sentences and little details I liked. Amazing one-shot!
lafantomette chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
You are such a good writer! That's totally PENNY: I'm sure that's how she reacted, what she was thinking, when she took a test!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Nice story.
rockyshadow chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I love Penny's thoughts here. She knows that this is important to both of them and keeps the test regardless of the results. The explanation for the mention in the episode is great and loved that her thoughts on the possibility came from Sheldon's usual tactlessness.
FoxPhile chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Really lovely take on the pregnancy test scenario. Sheldon being the one to bring it to Penny's attention is just hilarious. I loved all of Penny's thoughts throughout this - how she immediately wants to be sure the baby is healthy even though she has no idea if there even is a baby. There's a lovely contrast between any previous tests she might have taken and this one - but she still wants the test she takes for Leonard's baby to be one they can share the wait for - anticipating a happy, positive result.

I also liked how you constructed this with mostly short sentences. A sort of staccato rhythm to the writing that punctuates the sense of waiting for the time that is ticking by.

Thanks for writing!
BazingaCast chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I loved it, Roxanne! Lot's of feels!
deleted account 88 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Loved this! Especially the thoughts of Leonard's childhood photos, and how he'd make a great dad (and him making faces at babies when he thinks Penny's not looking! *flails*), amidst her anxiety and dread about the test being positive. And I also really loved the comparison to Penny's thoughts as a teenager taking pregnancy tests; that overconfident mentality she had would totally fit.

And I died laughing at "Oh God. If she's pregnant she can't have wine for nine months".

Great job!
WeBuiltThePyramids chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I love this so much. Your sentence and paragraph structure - I think present tense is wonderful here, it fits my own rule of thumb of when to use it that I was telling you last night - and I loved so many little things about it: her wondering if he always whispers that he loves her in the morning, "so she pees", the fact that it's not "oh God please no," but "oh God please NOT YET". And then the last paragraph/last sentence just summed it up so well. Great job, Bestie!