Reviews for Will Of The Qun
Guest chapter 3 . 9/2/2018
Good story.
The Real Mrs.Snape chapter 3 . 11/29/2014
Could you do this story in the Arishok's POV too? That would make a great read to see into what he is thinking during all this.
The Fallen Angel Chaos chapter 3 . 8/28/2014
I really love the story and kinda sad honestly that you didn't carry on with it.
Ms.Bloodmoon chapter 3 . 5/3/2014
Lovely little story, I believe you did a good job at keeping the arishok in character :-) he is rather...stoic. As for your note regarding dragon age inquisition, I know there is the possibility of choosing your main character to be Qunari, so I see romance in the future! -throws confetti-
Again, great job!
unibbie chapter 3 . 4/26/2014
Wonderful I can't wait for the next dragon age either and hope for the romance with the qunari nyan*-_
SengokuSana chapter 3 . 4/3/2014
3 0 3 wowzers. That was awesome. I never thought the arishok would be with hawke but oh lawd I think I have a new fave pairing. / I like the way you write. (theres a few spelling mistakes but nothing too serious.) and you use the word pit for the word bit. dont know if thats on purpose or not. still this is a great story :D more plz.
x3SkysWishx3 chapter 3 . 4/1/2014
Very well written, and very good job with keeping him in character. :) Hope to see more written!
Crescendo-noise-is-dead chapter 3 . 12/26/2013
I loved it to absolute pieces! Please write more Arishock and hawke! Or make a sequel please please please! This was just to amazing! Have me fangirling all over the place like an excited little ameba! Hee-hee hope to read more of you in future!
Hmm chapter 3 . 11/26/2013
Not bad though it does have a few grammar and spelling errors. The believe the correct Qunari phrase is actually Basalit An not Basali Dan, secondly if Hawke had been impregnated by the Arishok, the term is 'conceived' not 'concealed' which means to 'hide something'.

You also tend to miss words out of sentences, for example, the Arishok says to Hawke 'There will be child in you, Hawke'.

It would read better as 'There will be 'a' child in you, Hawke". The dialouge is punctuated correctly but by missing out the 'a' the sentence falls short of making proper sense. This theme is repeated through out the chapters of this ficlet to varying degrees as well.

Overall a good read, but it needs polishing to really shine.