Reviews for Things We Lost in the Fire
Lara leao chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
Ok I’m sobbing
Moon Monkeys chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
I'm crying! I don't know if I shohld hate you for making me cry but then I realise that I love you for making such a good bit of fiction that your making me cry. So yeah it was excellent but now I'm all emotional so I need to find a happy Jily oneshot to read. Great sad but respecting tears for you and your fic*
awkotacco chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
I started crying amazing!
VillainsVale chapter 1 . 11/10/2014
All I can think is: "YOU DID PETER!" and wonder why this doesn't have more reviews. No one ever does Peter's POV from all of this and I find it so intriguing and you wrote it so well. I can almost feel the regret and resolve in your words and it's all just so heartbreaking. Great fic. Absolutely great.
gilbertcest chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
FUCK. sorry, I'm unable to say anything else. you've positively wrecked me. and I'm grateful, because you did so beautifully
Ansy Pansy aka Panz chapter 1 . 4/15/2014
Wow. This one was really epic. You write so beautifully always but this was so strong, made me feel so close to tears and like I might be sick in the last one at the end. Brilliant
nobodyhomeinactiveacc chapter 1 . 12/5/2013
You. Are brilliant.
(furiously wipes away tears)
I mean- wow. Seriously.
You're an amazing writer (because you have used feels to break my heart.)
Going to go cry in a corner now,
BlueChoc chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
This is absolutely perfect! Heartbreaking and powerful!
EleanorTheRigby chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
Why must you hurt me in this way? No, but seriously, like the other story I just reviewed, this is raw, emotional, and completely pulls at your heartstrings (and then tearing them apart in the process). You really have a talent for bringing stories to life and placing the reader in the thick of things. I couldn't help but feel everything that every character was feeling. Hell, you made me feel sad for Peter of all people.

And I think that's what I love best about this story. Everyone feels sad for Remus for losing so much. Everyone feels sad for Sirius for losing the best mate anyone could have and being framed for it, but when it comes to Peter, they just immediately shove him into the "pure evil" pot. I know I'm guilty of that from time to time. I think what you wrote here for him is spot-on. That doesn't mean I feel sorry for him to the point of loving him or anything, but you treated his character with respect - you showed that what he did wasn't easy for him; that he didn't want to do it at all, but was panicking and pessimistic. I just... I'm not used to Peter feels.

RuthDameron chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
Ouch. :( Nice writing!