Reviews for Twist of Fate
PKS chapter 21 . 4/19/2017
I'm kind of at a loss of words with this, the twists are so unexpected for me, and I have no idea where anything is leading so everything is a surprise. I love this and I can't stop reading
PKS chapter 20 . 4/19/2017
Wow this chapter... I'm really loving this storyline
ALLREMS chapter 24 . 1/3/2015

Yes, it's all starting to make sense. The deaths and betrayals are still huge though. So sad.

great work!
ALLREMS chapter 10 . 12/30/2014
I feel like I haven't reviewed in forever. ...few chapters I'm sure. Anyway, love the references made to the old fic and global the one coming up.

You did a great job re-introducing Rachel to the story and setting her up with rogue and gambit.
ALLREMS chapter 5 . 12/29/2014
Great again.

Nice to see a snippet of Logan and Jubilee wonder who else is alive.

I'm a little confused, I thought rogue couldn't control her powers? I guess that's why she's having that memory of Remy and Bella. I'm sure it'll make sense in the next chapter.
ALLREMS chapter 3 . 12/29/2014
I've read of Rita before...wonder if she's real, maybe in one of your other fics? She was the wife of the shop owner who always seemed to be away. Older but similar description, indeed had a long affair with remy, sex really, but she knew of his love for rogue, knew her name because he said it while they both pretended it was rogue and remy making love.

Anyway, great chapter.
ALLREMS chapter 2 . 12/29/2014
I think I need I a dictionary. I knew what was happening and what the words meant (by context mostly) but some words I know I've never heard spoken out loud.

Clarity is very interesting. Haha the look! Haha...

Was that Cody talking to her in her mind? He surfaced because she was thinking so much about him, right?
ALLREMS chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
Somehow I made the mistake of skipping this fic and started reading the 3rd as you'll see by my reviews. I got to say this makes soooo much more sense now. I am kinda sad that rogue and Remy don't stay together, gave myself a huge spoiler. On the plus side I'm going to order the 2 books today. Yay!
SIGF chapter 24 . 6/30/2014
So, I spent the lat few days reading House of Cards and Twist of Fate, both for the first time. It was great to spend a few days getting lost in the stories you've weaved.

These are both great fics and I am just at the edge of my seat waiting to see how this all plays out. Can't wait for more!
FF2Addict chapter 24 . 6/1/2014
OMG. I've read both book 1& just finished book 2 all day and I must say I'm amazed how amazingly good this story is! I couldn't stop reading! And the crazy chemistry/ relationship of Remy and Rogue?! Oh god just inevitably too good. I love them! Im dying to read book 3 now. I don't think I can patiently wait for their explosive reunion so please bring on book 3! xD i applaud your hardwork!
Me Voila chapter 24 . 5/12/2014
Thanks so much for sharing this really compelling story! Love how the ending is all loose ends, very evocative given the metaphor of the time stream as strands or threads. Loved Gambits single-minded ruthlessness at the end, going all in with his final bid to take down Sinister.

One thing that didn't quite click for me was the chemistry between Rachel and Franklin...its hard to say why, other than I don't quite understand what drew them to each other. But clearly this relationship was important for Rachel's development as a character, and I'm glad you incorporated Franklin into the story. Would love to see you somehow show more of him in a sequel.
Warrior-princess1980 chapter 24 . 5/11/2014
This is crazy...crazy good!
jpraner chapter 24 . 5/11/2014
Oh hurts so good.
slightlyxjaded chapter 24 . 5/10/2014
What?! Book 2 is over? Fantastic ending as always...I'm hoping Logan makes it out alright...he's a scrapper. As for Gambit and Rogue...this should be interesting...I like the idea of an explosive reunion lol. Here's to hoping soon for book 3 is really soon! Keep up the amazing work!
RRL24 chapter 24 . 5/10/2014
Oh my God! I am dying here. Cannot wait for more. This is so good. Thank you. Great job. Sorry for all the short sentences, but this is literally how you left my brain.
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