Reviews for A Question of Arrangement
Agent Fabulous chapter 15 . 5/7/2018
This was so good! Wow the writing style and the plot are just so amazing. I wish I had good story ideas like you. Well done!
decoris chapter 15 . 7/8/2017
This was just too perfect. This is just. Yes.

I love me some good ol' USUK like anyone else, but even I get annoyed with Cardverse being literally being nothing BUT USUK. And those rare fics you find with Hearts, it's Germany/Japan which is not my when I found this, I was literally so happy! Because it had everything I loved—unrequited feelings, disillusionment, jealousy, cheating, emotional distance, drama, KIKU.

I will have to say that I loved your Kiku. Like a loooot. His character was on point and it's so nice to see a fic that focused on HIS feelings and thoughts. As a person who can highly relate to being a third wheel or the second choice, I found myself almost crying like a baby at the accusations Yao made at Kiku because damn, those words hurt deep. I can understand both sides and that's what makes it hurt so much more. I'm happy that instead of making Kiku turn evil and crazy for the sake of melodrama, you made him come at peace with himself and made him realize of what he had to do. There's this bittersweetness of it all tying back to duty as Ludwig said.

So, when done right, Kiku is a very interesting character and you definitely captured him well. It was interesting to see how his sense of belonging plagued him throughout the story, and I just find it so sad that even as a married man, he does not necessarily fit in. How he will always be an outsider looking in. ((This is one of those times where I wish I didn't like Gerita so much because it makes Kiku's marriage so loveless. But then again that is the same dirt I BREATH FOR SO—))

Great story with a lot of emotion packed in. I am so grateful this was finished and completed! :")
ArkieR chapter 15 . 1/12/2015
I… I do not have the words to describe what I am feeling right now. This story is beyond anything I could possibly say. Every little thing is so impossibly perfect, I have been sucked in from the moment I started reading.

Perfection. Just perfection.
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 15 . 8/29/2014
I really need to read a Question of Fidelity. I will have to take a look some time, ja. If it is anywhere near as good as this one it is most definitely worth reading. That is indeed complimenting you dear sir or miss.
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 2 . 8/28/2014
This is great. I shall read the rest tomorrow.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/14/2014
This is actually pretty well written. Why doesnt it have more reviews? The writing is good and the story is interesting. I do feel that characterization is a little off, especially for Yao to be so vindictive? And I also feel that the poison thing was used too many times and felt like it was just used to create suspense. But overall well done
Hasenpffiefer chapter 15 . 7/17/2014
WILL KIKU NEVER FIND LOVE T.T I really want to see him fall in love. It's not fair that he has to be responsible while ludwig and feli fall in love. I must say I teared up at some parts.
AnythingRealNot chapter 14 . 7/14/2014
Okay, I know I have no where near enough skill, but I kinda maybe sorta wanna draw the little paragraph that Kiku insults Veneciano... Which is kinda sick, in my opinion, but I still wanna try. As long as you're okay with it.
Are you? *hopeful smile*
AnythingRealNot chapter 11 . 5/11/2014
I knew it! Who else could be the king of the north? There was a possibility it would be Norge or Sve, but Denmark probably was the most resonable. Silly me!
inichuinmylife chapter 10 . 4/9/2014
Well, what a chapter. I feel bad for Kiku most of all, to be so oblivious to something that everyone else knew when he prides himself on knowing other people... and the way he feels manipulated can't be nice either. Hopefully he can find some solace and comfort with the Jokers; he can't afford to lose now, if he has to take charge, after all.

I like how you made Yao get angry here. It feels like something he'd do, and the reasoning is good. Though from what you wrote, about them finding a mutual understanding, I get the feeling that Kiku didn't actually dislike him, just that he had other motives as well. Not that that's any better in Yao's eyes, but...

I'm looking forward to the next chapter! I'm hoping that things can work out for Kiku, the poor dear. (

One thing is I'm not entirely sure how the kingdoms overlap with the real world - Spades is in London, Hearts obviously has Berlin, what about Diamonds and Clubs? Then again, maybe this is me not having remembered the details from last time (I'm a bit pressed for time and can't re-read the whole thing, unfortunately). Keep up the good work!
Katie-Kat1129 chapter 10 . 4/8/2014
Please don't accidentally kill yourself, Kiku.
N chapter 9 . 2/23/2014
I really like this Cardverse version of yours. The first few chapters were my favorites. I like the characteriztion too, they're IC.

I have mixed feelings about the whole relationship of the three though! and that's good that you're giving me these feels. Like, I really like GerIta and it's quite interesting that it's basically a "forbidden" kind of relationship. But then I keep on going back to the whole thing of Kiku and Ludwig being married. And I keep on remembering the vows on the marriage where they say be honest to one another and that love will make it work and at the first part when Rome was saying that they like honesty and stuff. ;A; And I feel really really bad for Kiku. He knows that romance would almost be impossible with him and Ludwig and just trusts him and stuff but he knows nothing of Ludwig and Feli's relationship and the 3 of them were supposed to work as a unit and stuff. I'm also afraid that Kiku will feel unwanted now that his husband loves another. (like how some arranged marriages go, like even if they know they don't truly love each other but then one suddenly finds love, the partner then will feel unwanted and unattractive and stuff)

Poor Kiku! ;A;
I don't know about him being partnered with Yao though, they feel like bros for me here.
Maybe Lars? I don't know, it feels like it'll be interesting. A knight/guard being loyal to the queen and falling for them? I kind of want to see what will happen if that does happen. It's also forbidden though-butkindofromantic. (and the whole Netherlands and Isolated!Japan is where I got it from) and NedPan needs love.

But whatever happens, I'm excited! I'm also excited for the whole war thing and politics here that's going on/
BlindPriestess chapter 9 . 2/23/2014
There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the best stories to be contributed to APH. You are awesome, and it is so nice to see a Cardverse story that isn't USUK centric. But bringing up the topic of pairings, I have to wonder, is Kiku a 'loner' in this story? Anyway, can't wait to see what you have in mind for the next chapter :)
Guest chapter 9 . 2/23/2014
Ah I like this story very much! Although, was this, 'It only took Bella, Lars, and' cut off? Also, it may be nice if you lessened some of the 've's Italy says, as it gets a bit repetitive. Those things don't bother me too much though, and I really love the way you portray the characters!
kara-hime24 chapter 9 . 2/22/2014
I want the gerita chapie! D':
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