Reviews for Meet the Parents
garden galaxy chapter 2 . 5/2
i love how you gave sakura's parents the limelight
SasukeSakura23 chapter 4 . 4/4
This was so perfect ️
cherryheads chapter 4 . 3/24
I love this. Everyone's happy. I'm crying
TheRedConverseGirl chapter 4 . 8/18/2019
This was a lovely ride! Thank you so much for telling us this story! I live how it’s like Sasuke is getting his own new family with a mother and father figure that are willing to listen and take care of him. It’s my head cannon now and I wish it was canon haha. Thank you xoxo
TheRedConverseGirl chapter 3 . 8/18/2019
My ship heart aches for poor Sasuke.. he’s always so hard on himself. I liked everything about his talk with the Haruno’s, it’s cute how they know Sasuke is clueless. Lovely story and writing!
TheRedConverseGirl chapter 2 . 8/18/2019
Kizashi is a smart cookie! Haha I love how tune he is and how he offers help by the end! This is fun and addictive to read, thanks!
TheRedConverseGirl chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
I love this take in how Sasuke meets the Haruno’s after war. It’s so interesting and I agree, we don’t have enough content covering this bond. Thank you!
Birkastan2018 chapter 4 . 6/22/2019
"start locking your door, except for me... I have no idea what I'm supposed to do but i'll lay down your carpeting and I'll be nice to your parents." I couldn't stop laughing! Somehow, author, you perfectly capture exactly how I envision Sasuke in my head in this story. He's so... not great at all of this, but he's trying so hard in his own, emotionally stunted way. Thank you so much for this 4 shot - it was so much fun to read!
Birkastan2018 chapter 3 . 6/21/2019
dear author, I am enjoying this Mebuki so much. While I'm typically of the mindset that whacking people into submission isn't typically the best way to go about something, there is something so refreshing about Mebuki's directness in this chapter. I can only imagine how someone who probably grew up in a traditional household like Sasuke must have felt hearing Mebuki point out his jealousy point blank. At the same time, I doubt anything less would have broken through the fog and gotten him to finally understand and acknowledge what it was he was feeling. As always, thank you so much for writing and sharing another wonderful chapter with us!
Birkastan2018 chapter 2 . 6/21/2019
oh sasuke... i am loving this realistic glimpse into Sasuke's thought process and his interactions with Sakura's parents!
Birkastan2018 chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Dear author, you're right - this was such an interesting take on a dynamic I haven't seen too often (in fact, I've only ever seen it addressed by one other author) - but it was something I was always curious about. I know Sakura is often portrayed as small and slight, and to think her father is a giant is hilarious! I also adored the bit of history you gave us into Mebuki and Mikoto's connection, and it makes me wonder how different Mikoto must have been in her youth... before she married a traditional man like Fugaku. *sigh. I kind of think given her friendship with uzumaki kushina, mikoto was probably a lot of fun. As always, thank you so much for writing and sharing this with us - I can't wait for Ch 2!
krisaku chapter 4 . 6/15/2019
Awww! this is one of those fanfics that can make me feel fluff inside! I dunno it's different when it comes to a parent reminding their child why they are precious to them(like in the previous chapter). The last sentence makes me miss Mikoto tbh IF only the massacre didn't happen I bet Mikoto would be happy and giggling too ! My only concern was Sasuke long words , I would imagine him talking like that if he's drunk regardless I enjoy reading this! thank you for writing such a good fanfic
krisaku chapter 3 . 6/15/2019
Goodness I thought there's gonna be a bit of fist fight when Sasuke told his and Sakura's "bad days" to her parents but thank goodness they reolve it in mature way!
Tropicallight chapter 4 . 9/29/2018
Ooh I likee your story!
khutulan chapter 4 . 7/19/2018
I think this has been my favorite take on Sakura’s parents and their meeting Sasuke! I also appreciate stories where Sakura dates other men and had snark and doesn’t just wait around hoping Sasuke will return her feelings or resigned to a lifetime of unrequited love. I mean, to each their own, I guess, but I love the idea that Sakura at least tries dating someone else while Sasuke sorts out his life. As long as they get together in the end ;)
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