Reviews for The 8 Simple Rules Paradigm
JheremyC chapter 8 . 2/15/2015
I enjoy your stories and found this particular timeline interesting.
thank you for sharing your stories
deleted account 88 chapter 8 . 2/24/2014
Wyatt and Meryl got kicked out? Ohhh, Imma ship it now. I mean, I kinda already dead, just in terms of it being Penny's parents, but ya know. And, yes, Leonard and Penny, get kicked out of the restaurant and then high tail it to the Hofstadter house! I approve! This was a great collection of moments, very nicely done. And when reading it, I figured the setting was in Nebraska, probably since most of the action took place in Penny's house.
deleted account 88 chapter 7 . 2/24/2014
Loved the sister talk. And whoo hoo third date! Loved hearing in detail about how Leonard and Penny got together; it was sounds so cute and adorable. And the camp out bed, oh, poor, poor, Wyatt. He's probably one of my favourite parts of this fic.
deleted account 88 chapter 6 . 2/24/2014
Snuggie mention! And love Penny being so possessive at the end there. Gah, Leonard is just the sweetest guy ever, I need a Leonard in my life. Lock that down, Penny.
deleted account 88 chapter 5 . 2/24/2014
Ah, such feels off of that last line. And now I'm just amusing myself with the idea of Leonard and Penny eventually getting that apartment and Leonard experiencing Penny's full messiness; fun times. And I love that they need such privacy just to say "Hello", and who are you kidding, Wyatt, you know you love it, too!
deleted account 88 chapter 4 . 2/24/2014
Loved Wyatt interrogating Leonard; it's especially amusing me how in canon Wyatt would have gone through so many guys he didn't approve of, that when he finally got to Leonard, he was just jumping for joy, but in this fic it's awesome to get to see him still more severe, but with that excited, good heart underneath. And Leonard not being able to read Penny's handwriting made me laugh; I'm sure that happens all the time in "real life".
deleted account 88 chapter 3 . 2/14/2014
Oh my God, Wyatt! He wasn't sure what size, dear Lord! But I loved the heart-to-heart that Leonard and Penny had in the car. Sweet and innocent, but also very exciting.
deleted account 88 chapter 2 . 2/14/2014
Aw, really loved this touching moment between Penny and Wyatt. You really demonstrated the love between them that we felt when he was on the show.
deleted account 88 chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
Haha! Loved the ending! Such a cool idea for a collection of one-shots; I love fics that explore the idea of Leonard and Penny as teenagers. And Wyatt's rules had me laughing out loud, especially his comment about wishing they'd been born without hands.
5Mississippis chapter 8 . 11/24/2013
ROTFLOL that Wyatt and Meryl got kicked out of the restaurant! No wonder where Penny gets her adventurous sexual side from!
zhalen565 chapter 8 . 11/19/2013
Underage parties? They have to be in high school and teens. Another great little insight to what they share. Penny prepared there at the end for a "Romantic" evening, lol.
mjc45 chapter 8 . 11/18/2013
great chapter to end your story.
there is that nightie it shows upagain.
i would say in nebraska-around high school
time as in the show.
hope we do not have to wait to long for your
next super story to review. thanks
pfps chapter 8 . 11/18/2013
Funny how Penny's parents telling them not to do what they did in the restaurant. Wonder how their restaurant experience will prevail? Nice chapter.
SRAM chapter 8 . 11/18/2013
I liked the ending, and all the stories about the rules, but you now created a High School version of Leoanrd and Penny, that begs a follow on story. (Hint, Hint).
MollyBananahammock chapter 8 . 11/18/2013
Sad times that this is over i enjoyed these cute little stories! oh well i know youve got more up your sleeve baby so i wont be too sad! On to the chapter, Penny trying to be romantic with sex? typical. but im sure Leonard doesnt mind haha oi oi! Waheyyy. big lol at meryl and wyatt getting freaky in the restaurant! and i love how meryl is all like 'yeah i know whats going on here' while Wyatts trying to fool himself into thinking shes still a sweet little girl! haha Liked the little insight into how Beverley was with Penny being around too. i can just imagine her face when Penny was walking around in leonards t-shirt. Okay now your questions, um.. i always pictured these in Nebraska since most of them were at Penny's parents house and they live in nebraska and i just imagined it set in the present because, i just did. anyway, these are awesome, bring on the next lot of tdawg cuteness!
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