Reviews for A Heart's a Heavy Burden
Guest chapter 18 . 10/22/2017
So that's a good story and I think that could've been a good movie but you NEED to finish.
I'm glad that I didn't start tbis 3 years ago, I hope you finish it
LauraNyra chapter 2 . 9/29/2016
very good and interesting !
Plucie chapter 18 . 6/21/2016
Soooo, this is interesting, some of the doctors getting remorse and all...
Thanks for updating!
Plucie chapter 17 . 3/11/2016
So, this is still very, very creepy...
Sorry, this is incredibly late, but thanks for the update!
Seams chapter 16 . 12/9/2015
Hey, it's been a while. I hope you continue this story, I was just re-reading it.
Plucie chapter 16 . 9/8/2015
Noooo, Jared don't be an idiot (idle hope, I know). I really hope he doesn't mess too much up...
Thanks for writing this!
Loyal reader chapter 16 . 7/23/2015
Can we have an update?
Plucie chapter 15 . 6/7/2015
This is really fun to read, it's a very interesting idea!
(Jared is acting insane though, he needs to leave Wanda alone)(poor Wanda)
Seams chapter 14 . 2/1/2015
So Wanda realizes Mel's still alive and then Ian finds Jared then Jared finds Melanie and there is a long cat and mouse chase
somebody dies
and then a bittersweet happily ever after
that's the standard of my guesswork
kay xxxx chapter 12 . 12/19/2014
Yay finally a new chapter enjoyed it so much
Seams chapter 11 . 12/1/2014
'Heartless' and alive?
You know what, I'm not even going to try and think of an explanation for this. It's just too WTF for me. I guess I will just have to wait. Ughhhhhhh.
Cheers for the burgeoning O'Wanda feels.
I do envy you, btw. All holed up with a bunch of books.
K, update.
Seams chapter 10 . 11/28/2014
Wow, it took me so long to finally get the time to check out this update, but I'm glad I did. Anyway, it's been 23 days since you updated and you're officially free so I figure chapter 11 is right around the corner. Will probably leave a more sensible review for that one.
Seams chapter 9 . 10/12/2014
The only thing that makes up for Ian-Wanda is Ian-Kyle. I am very glad to hear this is going to be longer. I have no idea how this is going to be longer than 30 chapters but the idea excites me because I love feeling clueless. Hoping you've snuck in Kyle's redemption somewhere because O'Shea bromance just kills me. Ughhh. I wish I didn't read this so fast all of a sudden. WHY DO EXAMS EXIST THIS IS SO ANNOYING I DONT LIKE THIS I DONT LIKE THIS.

Anyyyywaaayyy. I hope 10 is worth the long wait. Holding my breath.
Seams chapter 8 . 10/6/2014
Damn. You updated faster than Kyle could spell 'update'.
And it wasn't even a half-assed update, this chapter was pretttty long. *virtual hugs*

I'm not into the Jared/Wanda thing definitely, but the "You're my last piece of Melanie" thing he's got going is pretty spot on. I sense more Jared/Wanda drama coming, but all in all I'm thinking Jared's not going to end up very happy. He's basically got nothing left other than his Melanie obsession and that's probably not taking him anywhere. In a sick, twisted way that makes me kinda happy. I'm no Jared-hater, sad endings just kill me. In a good way.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to be surprised. Waiting patiently for chapter 9. (Hoping for more Ian/Jared conflict, that's my fave!)
kay xxxx chapter 8 . 10/5/2014
Loving it, as usual I really think melanie should be able to come back somehow though like she does in the host but I like surprises, who doesn't ?
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