Reviews for Cut
stayathomemum chapter 1 . 3/9/2018
Very symbolic story. Explains a lot about Liv and her constantly changing hair, and even her post-Lewis self-inflicted haircut. You give her a very plausible backstory here.
And kudos to capturing the unspoken heat between E and O.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/6/2017
the scene outside her door, gets me every time.
tiCocoChanelle chapter 1 . 12/30/2016
I love it ! ! Great fiction !
Hazmatt chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
Great story! I enjoyed it!
Anon chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
tiCocoChanelle chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
I love it!
cinderella1268 chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
Another excellent story!Wonderful writing,your stories are short but certainly sweet!I have read my share of them,I have to tell ya,that yours maybe short to compare with others,but you always manage to place better detail,emphasis,and complete dialogue if you will,into your work more than some on down,your are one of the best writers on this site,and one of my absolute favorites,thanks for LOVE LOVE..E/O E/O FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!
bikerides chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Just finding your stories now. Been quite a few years since I have gone down the SVU fic road and your stuff is just amazing. Really, really good. Thank you!
Kayenes chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
Wow. This is different from what I remember reading from you before, but me loves it. :D
PaperFrames chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
Everything about this is perfect. The angst, the heart ache, the cuteness, the theme of cutting you built upon. Your stories always leave me wanting more, and this is no different! Great as usual! :) I love Olivia and Lizzie's interaction. Can't wait to see what you'll do next!
QoDales chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
As always, great story
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
crunchygoodness chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
Lovely, angsty and infuriating! Wishfully thinking, I will follow this story. I know it's finished (I cracked your code of "END."), but I want more because it's great! I, as usual, will just imagine the ongoing tale (it always involves proclamations of devotion and hot sex-so every ending is a happy one). :-)
Roanie123 chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
I love stories where Liv interacts with El's kids, even sad ones. I think that Liv and Liz will help each other.