Reviews for Red Lamp
Lily chapter 7 . 4/9/2018
I honestly adore how your write. The plots you come up with are so unique and amazing. I just wish someone could tell that to Bel-Alou whose story begins with the premise that Sasuke is an elite courtesan. I would love to see a collab between you and them. They need all the help they can get, Kat.
Lovely fic! I hope you make an Ao3 account. 3
shadowphantomness chapter 7 . 4/5/2016
Itachi is completely and utterly the devil, and I admit I had a hard time imagining the British accent all the way through but I tried, I really did! Lovely fic!
FreeSpirit chapter 7 . 3/21/2016
This Story was incredible absolutely incredible I don't even review stories much but I do wish you'd been more graphic with the sex :) but absolutely amazing nonetheless
Evangeline039 chapter 7 . 9/11/2015
This is a beautiful story! And I love it! The things you add about The God and Lucifer too is awesome! Thanks for writing this story! Keep writing and Ganbatte! ;)
futuranna chapter 7 . 3/28/2015
The whole story was a guilty pleasure.
I felt so wrong for loving it so much! and so dirty for craving chapter after chapter.
It was bliss much richer then any chocolate i loved and laughed and had an overall blast.
Masy chapter 7 . 2/3/2015
Wow i simply loved it :) 3
LoveCritic chapter 7 . 12/21/2014
This should not have so few reviews. This is my second time reading this story and I love it still.
Chiblette chapter 1 . 2/4/2014
Well, I personally LOVE this. I just read it and I can Honestly say this is probably one of the better ones I have read in a long time.
Now something I found interesting.
I went and brought a few new songs on iTunes this morning that I hadn't heard before, but I like the bands and thought I needed updates on their music, most of these songs were by Hollywood Undead, and one of those songs was 'Been To Hell' and I was listening to it after I read 'Red Lamp' and O.M.G. I suits this story SO well.
StainedSculpture chapter 7 . 1/9/2014
aww I love this one the most .
this chapter is so beautiful and so heavenly enticing :D
thanks for your good work
Chyny chapter 7 . 1/8/2014
it"s been a while since i was able to find and read a story of this special pair that has so much depth,a real story,not just a PWP.
thank you
NoelleisParadise chapter 6 . 1/3/2014
And i have a little tear in my eye. Lovely. :')
MadaSasu chapter 6 . 1/3/2014
Guest chapter 5 . 12/30/2013
I don't know about Sasuke, but love wouldn't be enough for me to stay with someone like this Itachi. I'd never be able to trust someone who's willing to play with me like a piece on a chessboard. It'd be get the hell out of Dodge and start over somewhere else.
StainedSculpture chapter 6 . 12/31/2013
Hi there, personally I love this chapter. I think its better than the one before, since I feel like this one makes more sense at least for me. D
by the way, I hope Itachi doesn't have the guts to disappear from Sasuke's sight.
mabidiso chapter 6 . 12/30/2013
OK, I'm so glad Sasuke came right out and said it himself. He's a toy, a slave. Might as well put on a collar and assume the position on his knees. He's a floor mat. His best friend conspires with his estranged brother behind his back in a way designed to be more hurtful than a run-of-the-mill betrayal. Everything that Sasuke used to measure himself, to define himself and use to identify himself was taken in one short moment. From trying to solve a problem that would save his family grief and prevent the loss of his home and place in the world while saving the life of his best friend he was reduced to nothing. No family, no best friend, no brother, no home, no position, nothing. Why he didn't pack his bags and head off to Aruba I'll never know. What the hell kept him in that godforsaken town? So, all it takes is Naruto professing to having done all of this with Sasuke's best interests in mind and whammo, best friend is back. Must be nice to have an on switch for forgiveness. It's not that Naruto didn't intend any harm to come to Sasuke, and genuinely worked for a way to achieve his goals in a way least likely to damage Sasuke, but that he relegated Sasuke to the role of child, an accessory like an expensive bauble that needed to be carefully placed safely aside while the real men did the work and got the job done. And Sasuke recognizes that Itachi is the manipulator to end them all. From this chapter, it sounds like he sent some cop to a place where Sasuke would encounter him and incite him to murder. Wonder what Itachi had on the guy to get him to commit suicide via Sasuke. I loved that analogy that popped into Itachi's head - that memory where little Sasuke told him he was squishing him to death and where everything became alright once he gave Sasuke some breathing and wriggle room. These elaborate schemes of Itachi's not only had Sasuke dancing to his tune like a marionette on strings, but also seriously infringed on Sasuke's choices and free will by constraining the paths Sasuke could travel. Again, why hasn't Sasuke skipped town for greener pastures? What does he have other than a big ass house? Sell everything, give scads to charity and skip town. Let Itachi keep himself warm with his lovely plots and plans and all the other puppets he has jumping to his beat.
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