Reviews for Why Does This Always Happen To Me?
Guest chapter 9 . 8/1/2015
TezuSezu chapter 12 . 7/4/2015
pleaze do update .. thiz iz interezting .. :'(
U.s.a.g.i.n.e.k.o-c.h.a.n chapter 13 . 4/17/2014
MeikoKuran999 chapter 13 . 4/17/2014
Okay i may be jumping the gun with this question but is that possibly Mukuro, I mean i have a hard time see Hibari blushing even if he said that. Anyways great chapter. Can't wait to see what you do next, in really really like this story. Your an awesome writer and this story is so good. _
Foxluna chapter 13 . 4/17/2014
That's a good way to start. Should have kinda done that in the first place then let your affections be known lol. Silly Hibari
Dragon Slayer 's Girl chapter 13 . 4/17/2014
Kyaaaaa! Yes! Just, yes! :D I love this. Please continue it soon!
Hanamizu's Absolute Happiness chapter 13 . 4/17/2014
Hi my fellow author :)

Well… I was waited for this! And I'm excited. If you know what I mean. I'm glad that you update and maybe I expect (but not too much) for what will happen. I hope that I'll see you next chapter :)

- Shira-chan/Hanashira

#1827forever #aishiteru1827 :)
Vice Fandonna chapter 13 . 4/17/2014
LittleSnowChild chapter 13 . 4/17/2014
oh my gosh! Kyo-chan is blushing how CUTE!
MeikoKuran999 chapter 12 . 4/1/2014
MUKURO!Yes, this is such an interesting story, it seems a lot more realistic then most, i feel the way you have Tsuna react is how he would, i mean not many boys would be comfortable with the way Hibari tried to feed him. Anyways hilarious, and I absolutely loved it and can't wait for you to update it soon.
Vice Fandonna chapter 12 . 3/23/2014
Yeah that's a twist alright, but there's some truth to it. Other 1827 fics make Tsuna get over Kyoko way too quickly and fall perfectly in Hibari's arm. This development actually makes the whole thing believeable.
Although the idea of Hibari being friends with Mukuro in this fic just makes my jaw drop to the floor in amazement. Can't wait for your next chapter, eagarly anticipating this exciting new twist.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/11/2014
LOL! Face it Tsuna, you're doomed
U.s.a.g.i.n.e.k.o-c.h.a.n chapter 11 . 3/11/2014
Fate Camiswhil chapter 10 . 2/28/2014
uwaaah! so cute! I hope it doesn't get awkward...XD
U.s.a.g.i.n.e.k.o-c.h.a.n chapter 10 . 2/27/2014
So cute!
Good job Hibari :3
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