Reviews for Body Parts
SPN4eva556 chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
Loved this story! Unique and thrilling. Duke/Nathan scenes were great while they were captive. Wish there were more friendship/reconciliation between them in the end, but guess it fits with Nathan's attitude in early season 3. Good job!
kalliopeia chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
This is just delightfully sweet. I'm a terrible, lazy person who doesn't review nearly enough and constantly intends to, but I am an enormous fan of all your Haven work (I've read Sea Change something like five times now). I liked the body-part-removal Trouble. It was very clever. The Nathan/Duke interaction was simultaneously spot-on and totally sweet, which is sometimes difficult to accomplish, although I've pretty much been creeping upon your work from afar and you've hit it every time.

Well, this review is officially stalkery enough. Please continue writing anyway!
