Reviews for Safeguard
icecatfire chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
awwwwwwwwwwww *hugs poor tony* that was cute and heart wrenching at the sametime.
RandominatorOwl chapter 5 . 1/21/2015
Love! Angst is my friend.
LillyHalliwell chapter 5 . 12/15/2014
Loved the ending. I love how JARVIS always has Tony's back!
LillyHalliwell chapter 3 . 12/15/2014
OMG! I think JARVIS is awesome now, I love how he turns into Pepper when she's not around, but I'm also really surprised she's not around.
LillyHalliwell chapter 2 . 12/15/2014
Wow, such an intense chapter. I'm starting to really like DUM_E too.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/29/2014
Yes, including 1 that would be "one time he failed" would be all kinds of not good. But! If you wanted to do a 1, "and one time he didn't need to" (or thereabouts) would work!

*hugs* very well done, all around.

(Wants to hug JARVIS. He deserves it.)
Amber chapter 5 . 5/20/2014
This is good... sad, dramatic and so psychologically true.
It's really good, although I didn't tear eyed once...
I'm not a harcore fan, just a fan.. so please forgive if this is obvious to everyone else, but what battle the last chapter is referring to?

Anyway.. great job.. I was hooked-
onarwhal chapter 5 . 4/12/2014
I swear to god I cried so hard at this fic omg TAT so good!
ThenSheFlew chapter 5 . 2/18/2014
Thank you for writing this. It's an interesting and really good story.
30SecondGoat chapter 5 . 12/27/2013
Very moving story. You did a good job of conveying JARVIS in a way that acknowledges he is a computer program, but also just barely hints at emotion.
In other words, you did what they managed to do in the Avengers (when JARVIS tentatively asks if Tony would like to call Pepper): you gave him emotions.
Extremely well done.
Graveofthefireflies chapter 5 . 11/18/2013
There are not enough stories focusing on Jarvis. I am really glad I have found this. Great work
DepthsOfCreation chapter 5 . 11/18/2013
Awe tht was so fucking sad! Jesus! Though I loved every bit of it! Wow I want more! Tony whump the avengers Me Very Happy !:)
StarksViolet chapter 5 . 11/17/2013
Oh my gosh. This was such an intense chapter. Your way with wording everything has such an impeccable flow. I was so sad to read that Pepper had left him :( but I suppose in real life there would a probability of that happening.

So I'm guessing an angsty piece with Pepper worrying about Tony is out of the question? Obviously not for this piece, but one day! I would love to read that. Wow, that would be amazing.
StarksViolet chapter 4 . 11/17/2013
'The carcass of his house' your wording is just beautiful. Every phrase has its rightful place in your work, no redundant sentences. I can't express enough how much I love your writing. Beautifully done as always. This scene was so amazing in the movie and drew out so many thoughts and questions and you've addressed them perfectly.
StarksViolet chapter 3 . 11/17/2013
Aww no. Poor J! And again amazing writing of these two.
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