Reviews for Reality
SchnazzyCreations chapter 1 . 11/10/2019
I love your story. This is the third time I'm rereading it. I haven't commented until now because I only just got an account. But man, every time I'm blown away by how accurate all the characterizations are and the plot. You stick close enough to the episodes that they're recognisable, but not too close where it's just a rehash like many other stories do. It's always such a delight to read this!
SaucyHandles chapter 3 . 11/1/2019
not really knowing anything about doctor who these shanoids sounds like nightmares and reading this bit gave me anxiety lol
DemonSkitty chapter 26 . 10/27/2019
I'm so ready for this next chapter! I reread the story after a while. I know it's been quite a while but I really hope you'll come back soon with another chapter. We'll be waiting :)
SAM chapter 26 . 10/24/2019
it's been so long, please dont give up on this fic, im so in love with this fic. i need more lilly and the doctor please.
Chrundle the Great chapter 26 . 10/7/2019
Just finished (another) re-read of this story. Hoping you’re still planning on writing more! Love it!
Komizi chapter 26 . 10/1/2019
I've loved reading this story. I know you've had your frustrations with DW lately, but it doesn't mean you have to give up on DW completely and it certainly doesn't mean you should give up on your story. Plus, I REALLY REALLY want to know what's going to happen to Lilly.
Komizi chapter 5 . 9/26/2019
"Time Lords are not nice." Damn. I got shivers during that whole passage
Komizi chapter 3 . 9/26/2019
I love it. I didn't have a fear of spiders and now thanks to this chapter I do, but I love it. Brilliantly written so far.
Xiard Vron chapter 3 . 9/5/2019
I like it. You didn’t get too detailed with the unmistakable part so it didn’t bother me overly so. Thank you for sharing
Lilgrimmapple chapter 23 . 9/2/2019
(Posting the comment on an earlier chapter because I can’t comment twice. XP)

Couldn’t help but reread this brilliant story again. No matter how many times I do, I always find something that I missed or looked at from a different perspective. It’s like reading it for the first time. I also can’t help but rack my brains about Lily’s involvement in this and come up with wild theories. I already commented on the idea that she probably kicked the Tardis out of her mind without meaning to- ...But there are so many more ‘what if’ theories!

For instance, what if Lily never was from our world? What if she’s a clone of the real ‘Lily’ (the terrorist) and all her memories were simply implanted into her head? It would explain why her immune system is all wrong and like her body had never seen a germ in her life- probably because she hasn’t been alive for very long. Granted this idea is probably too far fetched because that doesn’t explain how she knows about the TV show and the Doctor’s life. Still, it would be brilliantly tragic. And it’s a nice little diversion from the whole ‘maybe I screwed up with UNIT in the future’. Or maybe she’s a clone of her future self who died. Hahaha! But she’d be a walking paradox... because she’d both be her own future and past forever stuck in a loop. Blimey, I’m giving myself a headache.

Either way...whether she is a normal girl from our world or not, I’m simply buzzing with excitement to learn what happens next. I worry yet anticipate that someday... somehow... either the Doctor or Lily will break their promise of honesty with each other. I can see that creating an ugly tear in their relationship.

If you decide to continue this story (and I desperately hope that you do), I will certainly be looking forward to it. That said, I hope your life is treating you right and that your are having a fantastic day!
Halloween.Fanatic chapter 26 . 8/6/2019
It certainly has been a long time since I've last read this and another awesome chapter, had to re-read the whole amazing story again to remind me where we left off, lol.

But, I do agree with what you were saying in the authors note.

To me, it has always been a Male Doctor with a Female companion by his side and that has been the Doctor Who tradition for 50 years so I don't understand why the sudden change, why break a 50 years tradition? I agree, the whole situation doesn't make sense. I was disappointed and I gave her a go with slowly watching it. Took me a long time to get through the episodes which the stories were okay, the companions were okay, but we've had in the past more excitable episodes. There also wasn't a Christmas episode which in the past always have been. Anyway, sorry for this long message.

But, I do hope that this change doesn't effect or dishearten your love for writing this amazing story, I hope to see more exciting chapters in the future and can't wait to find out where this will lead to...
NabikiB chapter 2 . 7/29/2019
You've got Nine gibbering...this is good. Gibbering Doctors are fun.
Ummm chapter 26 . 7/24/2019
Wow super transphobic. Just say you hate trans people and move on. Your hetero cis privilege is showing It's kinda disgusting tbh.
Ben chapter 26 . 6/10/2019
Hi I love ur writing and this work but I just, when the doctor said that they had moved past gender its not about men and women being less than people who are transgender. It's about raising awareness and bringing representation about kids like me. It's about using this huge tv show and huge fan base to spread the message of love and acceptance. It's not saying men and women are less its saying that people who are transgender are equal to men and women. And it's not saying that heterosexuality is less than homosexuality its saying that they are equal. Just like feminism isn't about making men less than women its about raising awareness about how there is inequality and trying to fix it, trying to make it equal. And ok yeah i haven't watched much of classic who, but doctor who started off as an educational show about history and science why can't it become a way to spread awareness about the issues in our modern day society. The doctor is an alien from a planet with red grass, when they die their entire personality, and appearance change, why is it so bad that the doctor is a girl? I think it's rather cool that now both boys, girls, and transgender kids can all look up to one hero. Girls can't relate to superman the way a boy can they can't look at this man saving the world and think i can grow up to be that. I think it's about damn time that girls have such a badass hero to look up to. I do hope you continue to update this, even though it's been a bit more than a year. I didn't write this to be mean, but when i read your authors note it felt ignorant and hurtful. I do hope that you didn't mean it to sound like that, or that perhaps since then you have learnt and are more accepting and aware. I don't really know how to end this so yeehaw i guess -Benji
Shase chapter 26 . 6/3/2019
C'mon my dude, I know you don't dig the direction the show's taken but don't let that dishearten you from continuing this excellent story of your own.
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