Reviews for Gone With the Wind
Guest chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
Wonderfull story! I cried!
Estoma chapter 1 . 12/3/2013
I'm not going to pretend I understood exactly what happened here, but there was some lovely lines in it, for sure and the sections made it nice and easy to read, and helped to separate the points of view you used.

[life had been aborted in the blink of an eye] Very strong line. Definitely like this one.

[drying like wet paint on his spear] Another cracker of a line! I like the contrast/comparison to something as mundane as wet paint.

What I don't understand is why Cato decides it has to be Clove's blood on his spear? Surely he'd remember it, and why can't it be another tribute? Perhaps if you wanted to use this, you could make sure to show how confused his mental state really is... I'm not sure.

I liked the way the wind tied everything together. Rising and falling, it was there at the beginning and Clove thinks of it at the end. Nice way to make a strong ending, by harking back to the beginning.

Nice work.

compartmental chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
I really like this. I'm a sucker for split/numbered section fics. I also enjoyed the throwback because Gone With the Wind is a great book, okay.

The repetition is nice, but I would have liked to see some punctuation. I'm also not a fan of the end bold, but that may just be me.

My main suggestion is to work on your dialogue. It feels foreign and forced. (I have this problem, too.)

Thank you! It was a great read.
Loverofallthingsmusic chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
So sad, but beautifully written :)
turtledoves chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
I'm so confused but I'm tearing up and this is not okay Brookie I thought we were friends ohgosh I don't even ship clato stupid tears

I loved the little poeticness to this (shut up computer it can be a word if it wants to) good job!

Though there was this one weird mistake "'I dPro see her when I close my eyes..." Autocorrect perhaps?
SkinOfInk chapter 1 . 11/24/2013
Interesting AU. So, it's if the arena is more of an open space, a moor or something like that, so clove and Cato are the only two left instead of katniss an peeta? Have I got that right? Anyways, good writing. I like your style, though those comments in parenthesis kind of confused me, and got me out if the story. I remember some the sentences being kind if blatant, or confusing. You said something, but didn't connect it, or told us something without showing it. Also, was Cato talking to himself? Or am I being crazy and he was really talking to a counselor after winning? I must be crazy. You did make things very touching and sad, good job, and I liked the touch you added with clove's token being that locket with catos picture inside. You showed their history and didn't even have to explain it.
octocelot chapter 1 . 11/24/2013
I'm so proud of how this story turned out. I'm not sure if I should be crying , but I am.

Some parts in the beginning are choppy and connect less with me, but the ending where Cato is talking to the therapist really got me.

This story was painful (in a heart-wrenching, tearful sort of good way) to read, and I like it a lot.

There were a multitude of beautiful oneliners that struck me. It would be a very long review if I posted them all here, but I'll just have you know that you have talent. Use it well.

Sorry if this sounds so scattered. I'm just feeling emotional right now.