Reviews for The Way We Touch
xxAJL1990xx chapter 5 . 7/30/2018
I really love your writing of Olicity, you do your own thing while still staying true to the characters and you keep it cute and sweet, as their relationship is in all its adorableness. I would ditch chapter two and three because they're a little over the top for my liking and I don't like "C" stories but other than that your story is perfect.
ClaMiAl chapter 5 . 5/7/2018
FelicityQueen23 chapter 5 . 6/3/2015
Could you possibly find someone to draw a fan art of this picture, it sounds so cute.
Verity Kindle chapter 3 . 5/30/2014
LOL at the author's notes, I also find it very difficult to focus on anything but Oliver's abs. This was cute and funny. I liked Felicity's comment about the Ring-Pop. I like the banter between them too!
Lililovingreading chapter 5 . 5/5/2014
So cute and romantic
Loved it
heartstremble chapter 5 . 4/10/2014
It's always such a nice surprise when they're established after automatically assuming they're not, so I basically melted when Oliver caressed her back. And the picture of her lying on top of a shirtless Oliver? Love, love, love.

Heh, the banter is as sharp as ever even with pain shooting through her head - poor girl. And poor you! I can't imagine the pain and irritation of a constant headache. At the very least you were inspired by this lovely fic :)

The difference circumstances reference! It's so fun reading a fic and coming across a reference to a line from the show.

I have such a stupid smile on my face when she finally finds a comfortable position. The exchange between them was simply gorgeous. And Digg finding them an hour later, aw! I love that he acknowledges Felicity's influence in the peacefulness of his sleeping because she's done so much already and they're not together yet, just imagine all the ways she makes his life better when they are.

Btw I'm very curious about the Great Mystery of the Missing Birthmark... ;)
heartstremble chapter 4 . 4/10/2014
So I'm behind on reading and commenting your stories! I have an excuse and that is I've been busy with classes. But still. I'd been counting down the days until my mid-semester break to get back into reading and writing fanfic, and I'm so excited to comment on this, read the next chapter and your Sunshine fic!

I like my drabble, but my writing is very limited by that style so I can easily say that this is way better, both because of the quantity and how it allowed you more room to explore the idea, and by extension the quality.

I love how you included non-canon instances of how Oliver's saved Felicity, and I am especially fond of the image of Oliver crashing through Felicity's window to save her from the car pile.

Felicity's quirkiness is always amusing, particularly in the sticky situations in which she puts herself. And the sudden realisation of her fear of heights, ahahah! Your portrayal of her character is equal parts adorable and feisty, it's incredibly attractive.

Proud!Oliver aklsjfl and he's so sweet for helping her get over her fear. A fantastically humorous chapter with just the right amount of sweetness between them without changing the tone of the chapter, great job :)
xSoulfulx chapter 5 . 3/10/2014
Totally cute! Gosh i love olicity and it seems they can make every situation or scenario totally awesome :) i hope u continue with this its too good
Brokenangelsely chapter 5 . 3/9/2014
You should absolutely do felicitys top 10 weird moments. This was so cute !
quisinart4 chapter 5 . 3/9/2014
First off, hiii! So very sorry about your migraines, and sorry you don't have a shirtless Oliver to cuddle with. Second, so happy to see something new from you! You are one of my favorite writers for this couple when it comes to relationship fic, you write them so seamlessly, so I got excited when seeing the story update in my Inbox. Please tell me you're already working on something new! :D

Also this is hilarious timing cause just this week on TV I saw a headache medicine commercial with that line about a woman faking a headache in bed with her boyfriend. What a coincidence! But like Felicity said, I doubt Oliver has to worry about that happening. I love how even as she said her innuendos, though she wasn't looking at his face, she knew he was smirking and smiling. And that's wonderful because it makes me happy he can find such amusement in the middle of an ordinary day, that she can bring those light moments to his life. :)

Also love the mention of Barry though I'm sure Oliver would be all growly and grumpy at the guy talking to him about science mumbo jumbo hehe ;)

I like that Digg entered and saw them and then walked away to give them privacy. I love the idea that he may grumble when he sees them kissing the lair and say they're ruining the sanctity of the space or whatever, but when he spies such an intimate moment between them, he can't help but smile and be so happy for them. :)

Thanks so much for this. I don't have any Felicity's Weird Moments for you but anything domestic and couple-y, I'm down for, please & thank you! Can't wait for your next piece. Have a great start to your week!
Crimson-Kiss17 chapter 5 . 3/9/2014
so much adorableness.
No.1TwiFanpire chapter 5 . 3/8/2014
This was cute. Heat does help. When I get a bad headache I put a heating pad on my head.
ChiefPam chapter 5 . 3/8/2014
Awkward yet cute, LOL. I have migraines, too, and this made a lot of sense to me... so sweet that they fell asleep like that!
PoisonAngelMuse chapter 5 . 3/8/2014
Loved this chapter and I sorry to hear about your migraines! Hope you aee ok!
Your story is amazing!
Mic RiddyBanon chapter 5 . 3/8/2014
Such a cool story & chapter that I absolutely love! I'm a migraine sufferer too, hmmm wish Oliver would massage my temples hehe!
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