Reviews for You're Either The Person You Are Or The Person You're Trying to Be
Novast22 chapter 1 . 9/6
Love this!
michelle3737 chapter 36 . 2/17
Loving this!
Guest chapter 39 . 1/11
Thank you so much for not giving up on this fic. I am so glad you still keep posting an update from time to time. Looking forward to more Johanna and Finnick moments ;)
Scarlet12force chapter 39 . 12/21/2019
Divinely Sweet Ambrosiac chapter 39 . 9/22/2019
Stop apologizing everytime you post an update, saves a lot of time for you and us, your readers. Also, just want to say I am hands down for your story. I love Johanna Mason, every bit of her - her angst, guts, drive. I read this straight for less than a week and I’m hooked. Thanks for painting her character so well.
Guest chapter 37 . 10/31/2018
I deadass screamed when I saw you uploaded
Guest chapter 36 . 1/28/2018
Hi! Just found you and this fic. Normally I read a lot of Hayffie and a little Everlark...but tend to love it when writers include Jo. So I hunted some Jo stuff and read this whole fic the past few days. Love Jo and Finnick! Glad you didn't have Finnick break up with Annie...but just left her out to begin with.

I hate Grayson, just as I should. He was a smart idea for the fic, though.

Wondering whether Finnick might survive the war in your AU. If you don't want to write that far into the story...please consider an Epilogue or something so we can see your end vision for Jo.
Thanks for writing and sharing your story with us
pistonsfan75 chapter 36 . 1/3/2018
Really liking this and looking forward to the next chapter..
flawless-fairytale chapter 34 . 11/3/2017
awwwww I am so glad you didn’t abandon this fanfic!
Leonie1988 chapter 34 . 10/16/2017
I'm so glad you decided to update this story, thank you!
MoceJo chapter 33 . 6/3/2016
Damn it Odair! Why cant these two just talk it out?! Im kidding i love the drama and the occasional angst. Keep up the good work i guess ;-)
pistonsfan75 chapter 33 . 5/15/2016
I really like this, and eagerly await updates.
NalaLee chapter 32 . 12/5/2015
I can hardly believe that I've been following this for more than a year :)
Please continue your story, this is the only pairing that I actually like in the whole series. Looking foward to the new chapters that cover the 75th games, hope you won't give up till then!
Jounah chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
I agree with you that Johanna and Finnick seem to have more chemistry. I haven't read the books in ages, but I rewatched Catching Fire and felt they could make a good couple. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story and seeing how things turn out.
Guest chapter 32 . 10/8/2015
This story is so sweet!
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