Reviews for Heart of Fire
Guest chapter 10 . 5/11
Why did anna turn evil, send an entity that is super powerful to turn her back to normal.
Lady of Goblins chapter 12 . 2/24
umm... what the heck is going on with chapter twelve? its impossible to read!
Zestywyvern chapter 12 . 1/13
what is it that causes the code to show up instead of special characters? also can It be fixed?
KingRayden chapter 9 . 1/11
"Hans" then "Christian" then "Andersen"
put them together you get,
"Hans Christian Andersen"
the worlds famous fairy tail author, from Denmark
DisneyFan001 chapter 1 . 1/8
I love the story. Please update, it is to good of a plot to not be written.
KillgarraghForever chapter 8 . 12/9/2019
This chapter should be called 'The Bastard Returns'
KillgarraghForever chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
Oh no. Sugar
KillgarraghForever chapter 4 . 12/9/2019
Her potato. How... Strange
KillgarraghForever chapter 2 . 12/9/2019
"that worthless bastard Hans" Best description ever
Guest chapter 10 . 7/2/2018
I love this chapter very much.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/24/2018
Is there a chance you are going to update again? I reallyv enjoyed this story and would love to read more
JusticeRoyalty chapter 11 . 10/6/2017
Elsa (Ice) and Anna (Fire)

Elsa is a princess with ice powers while Anna is a princess with fire powers.
hi chapter 12 . 9/14/2017
uh... i don't read p style...
hi chapter 6 . 9/14/2017
damnit anna
hi chapter 4 . 9/14/2017
nope, i love the word potato too, and the thing bursting into flames almost had me on fire myself.
note to self: don't read on phone while cooking
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