Reviews for Change My World
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
Aw, that was so cute. I love the pairing Taichi/Yamato. It's one of my favorites. They are so cute and adorable together. I love submissive Yamato.

I loved this story so much!
Pheonix09 chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
That was awesome, amuing, excellent and adorable, I loved it and nice job
Sea Queen - JoKessho chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
aww.. That was really sweet! It had just the right amount of angst and romance and flowed really nicely
Anime Writer2 chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
MrGooseyMoose chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
I recall reading this before, but I've never reviewed...

Anyways, i adore how well you characterise Tai and Matt, and how well you express what they're thinking. You're exceptionally gifted at it. This was a great idea for a story, and I'm glad to see that it ended with a sweet dosage of optimism, and happiness. Rounded off the package very nicely.

Awesome! :)
Angel-Hunteress chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
I loved this. This was amazing! Hot, funny, sad, and really sweet, all in one. Great job! XD
xxxcrossesxxx chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
I loved this. You sound like you've got a good grasp on Japanese customs. Thank you.
SakuraLee91 chapter 1 . 11/7/2009
Can I just say "AW!"? That was so sweet! It really drew me in. You are a great writer and I am glad that I was able to read your fanfiction. I hope to read more of your works soon. Thanks :)
Joe chapter 1 . 10/12/2009
Oh my god! THAT WAS SO FRICKIN' AWESOME! Words can't even describe how awesome that was. And what truely makes this one of my fave. yaoi fics of all time: "He wondered vaguely if this was how MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon had felt when they digivolved together - one breath, one pulse, one life." Frickin' AWESOME! You kept to the characters, used refrences to the show, and used literary devices like a frikin' brilliant proffesional writer! I love this fic!
astoria-paranoia chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
Ah..I REALLY loved that! It was so hot, but ever so sweet. The line Matt said "Because as long as I don't have sex with you, I can keep telling myself I'm not gay." is so cute and sad. I'm so glad Matt gave in at the end though.

Very well written, thank you so much!
mirai3k chapter 1 . 4/25/2008
I can't even coherently express my love for your characterizations right now, only that they completely blew me away.
catgirrl246 chapter 1 . 2/15/2008

I was squeeing the whole time.

This was so adorable.

I've probably read and reviewed this already, so pardon me ;
Chios chapter 1 . 12/25/2007
Love this fic! Very cute, with all the adorable aspects of a boy in denial. Haha, I thought that the 'experianced' Taichi was extra cute.

snowflke chapter 1 . 11/14/2007
Aw! wonderful
BoredomCorruptsPeople chapter 1 . 8/23/2007
I know this is old, but GREAT STORY! Wow, that was just... so good! I can't think up words to describe it! I hope you are still writing or that you've atleast written more!

Anyway, awesome job!
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