Reviews for Green Against Leather
animegamefanatic chapter 28 . 6/9
happy ending; the tmnt series can be pretty crazy at times, especially with the bros relationship; no doubt they love each other greatly, but they're not always careful about their words; yeah they're siblings and they jab each other, tease and etc. but sometimes they take it too far crossing the line, and unintentionally hurting eaching other; i noticed that alot in the 03 and 12 series; the 2012 being cringe-worthy at times, but the 1987 and rise, they seem to have more of a healthier relationship (though rise still shows the disputes, and possibly setting up a future rift in the bros relationship)

still it was good that they addressed the situation: Mikey loves them and LH knows they all love each other, but doesn't want their family to break apart or become dysfunctional. In the end they need to sort it out, and now that it has they gotta work to make it happen - though i'm sure they'll be okay; they're the TMNT; one of the best group of bros ever.
animegamefanatic chapter 25 . 6/9
Damn...So close!

They probably should have ordered Mikey breakfast Pizza...that probably would have worked.
animegamefanatic chapter 24 . 6/9
oh boy...leo has officially cracked...
TMNT Loving Leo the Second chapter 20 . 10/27/2017
amayranni22 chapter 28 . 12/30/2016
I love this story since you published it and I would like to ask you permission to translate it and upload it please
DaLadyofSouls chapter 28 . 8/12/2016
This storyline really got me in the feels. Great work!
Guest chapter 28 . 5/3/2016
a perfect ending!
little-miss-irate chapter 28 . 5/3/2016
wow,after nearly three years this story has finally reached it's what an end it to see everyone was able to reach an understandin before irreparable damage was physically and emotionally things can only get better from there.

on a side note,while your encouragement is greatly appreciated i don't think i'll ever be creatin any fanfics for the fact that writer's block easily overtakes me,as seen by my unfinished sonic fanfic on deviantart which hasn't been updated since the near end of 2013.
Pen-Woman chapter 28 . 5/3/2016
I give you a big round of applauds for finishing this amazing masterpiece! I tear up as I read it and at the ending it is most blissful to see the warming glow of family members are becoming stronger as beat another hardship.

Once you learned your mistake, the better person you become and the growing love will be remain unbroken.
Multidimensional Scribe chapter 27 . 4/4/2016
I love the plot and I eagerly await for the final chapter
gima2618 chapter 27 . 1/31/2016
Hahaha so funny really want to know what happens next
anime-queen46 chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
I adored this story. Very well done :)
NeonAlchemist chapter 27 . 11/27/2015
HAHAHA funny 1 2! hope you could update soon! (IKR! schoool :( Procrastination sux bruh)

aight PEACE!

~NeonNinja (temporary account)
Samiam2468 chapter 27 . 11/26/2015
ah (sniff )that's too soon (sob) I'm going to miss you.
yukio87 chapter 27 . 11/26/2015
At least the things are getting better for the brothers but I can be jealous if it was Leo who has his attention in someone else other than his brothers...I'll be waiting for the last chapter! Have a nice and happy Thanksgiving! A huge hug from the distance!
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