Reviews for The New Battle
WinterValentine chapter 57 . 5/6
This story put me through an emotional roller coaster and I loved it. Definitely one of the best fics I’ve read for the vampire diaries genre. Pretty sure I can still feel the tears in my ear canal. Too cute
Amalthea2000 chapter 1 . 7/12/2018
I spent most of this story in tears but I loved it, it was so sweet
Annalise1981 chapter 45 . 6/14/2018
God the amount of times I’ve been in tears because of this story I actually can’t
Ravenrambles chapter 22 . 3/19/2016
just finished reading chapter 21, very intriguing, can't wait to read rest.
Scooter chapter 37 . 5/5/2015
Omg Stefan got his memories back... Poor Damon
thisdarkpassenger chapter 23 . 5/5/2015
"Go to hell, demon lady!"
"Piss of and leave me to rot!"
beat lines
simpson-yaoi chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
I love this first chapter, that so angst. Poor Stefan
rochitia chapter 57 . 10/2/2014
HAHAHA Stefan is repairing cars in this new season! Couldn't help but smile by thinking about this great story of yours while watching that scene!
purplebluejay chapter 57 . 9/16/2014
Omg you have to make more defan stories there soo good! You are one of my favorite aurthors on here. Anywho love them!
Miss 45 chapter 57 . 9/7/2014
I don't think I shoul be doing this but I have to say something (Warning: it's a LOT)

I didn't quite like memoryless Stefan. He was fun, carefree and so very naive, even helpless sometimes. Those are all characteristics that I often enjoy but for some reason they kind of annoyed me here. He was too emotional and needy and dependent on Damon that it was hard for me to read sometimes because that was so unlike my Stefan. His reluctance and rejection of the person he was also a thing that annoyed me, but I get why he'd do that.

Maybe it's my paranoia talking but I got the impression you were trying to say this new vesion was better? He got so much cooler after the memory loss. I think that was what compromised my enjoyment of the story - the fact Stefan became such a better, happier person by rejecting everything he was. What I like about Stefan is probably what you hate about him: the guilt, the martyr act, the fact that he's so much contained and meticulously constructed that it's only through the blood that he can in a way free himself? Idk that's my perception, so I was eagerly waiting for him to get his memories back and see how he would act/react.

And then it came, my favorite part of the story: Stefan got his memories back. My heart broke in so many pieces for Damon and how much he missed his Stefan, how much he missed what they had and how happy they were that I kind of felt in love with them at that moment. My heart broke for Stefan, how angry and betrayed and jealous he must've felt - I mean, he spent 150 years loving Damon but it took him lose his memory and everything that made him who he was for Damon to love him back. My heart was broken and I LOVED it. I think thats my thing: the bitterness, resentment, anger and jealousy and unconditional love all at once, and you captured it all so well in those chapters. The part where Stefan starts to destroy everything that meant something for Damon and the other him, and then breaks down crying is probably my favorite.

There was also the incest thing - I like that you made it a point to deal with it from both brothers point of view though I feel like Stefan accepted it too soon. I also really like how Damon kept mourning his brother and never forgot him, and that in end it didn't really mattered to him which Stefan was bc he loved them both. I like that he really changed - he realized that he could still be a different, better person and he tried to keep that life even without Stefan at his side, though he had moments where he'd fall back to his old behaviours and his self-hate bc it's hard not to.

They both changed and evolved, and although I wasn't much of a fan of them here because I'm a such bitter bitch, I must say you really know how to create powerful and touchig love stories - the development here is impressive, and you deal with the psychology in a very interesting way.
ellZita chapter 57 . 8/15/2014
Like always, this was amazing! You had me worried and chewing my nails a few times there. But happily smiling at the end...You should think about actually writing a novel that is solely yours, I have now doubt it would be published, as I would be the first in line to buy it!.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
Would you post this on AO3? I love this story!

Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
I know you must be busy, but could you please consider posting this story on AO3? I have read all of your other Defan fics and this one is my fave. I wish you could write for the TV show. They'd have to change time slots with all of the slash you'd bring in, but I would be hooked! Your Defan is original and so very compelling (pun intended). I love your complex plots and how you re-make the characters by using what has been shown in the TV show. Please, pretty please post this fic on AO3! I'll keep checking back there hoping that you do!

Thank-you so much!
ficfandom chapter 57 . 7/7/2014
Just finished this story and it really is one of my favorites and I want to thank you for sharing it with us
WickedBlue chapter 57 . 6/14/2014
What a beautiful, heart wrenching, touching fic. The storyline is just awesome. I so love this fic. Love all the angst, the h/c, the romance and the love. This is definitely one of my favorite Vampire Diaries fics!
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