Reviews for How One Moment Can Change Everything
Elizebeth1994 chapter 13 . 3/2/2014
It great, I always love stories with Graham.
Dreamingdreams chapter 13 . 3/1/2014
Awe the ending was perfect & left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside! I love how you ended it with Graham proposing to Emma and her excepting.

I also loved how Rumple took care of Regina. It was very fitting for her to lose both things. Crazy nut job...

I look forward to reading more of your Gremma stories! I really enjoy them a lot! :D
Dreamingdreams chapter 12 . 3/1/2014
Oh wow not good. I hope that Emma will choose to live & fight for a life with Graham, Henry, and Wolf.

Wow I found it interesting that Regina was even able to convince Belle to do that. But threatening someones loved ones could make a person go against their beliefs about that kind of stuff.

I like also how you had Wolf help Graham with the guards I think it was a nice touch too.

Ouch hopefully Belle runs into Rumple and finds out the truth. And maybe as a favor to Belle to help her make amends for shooting Emma he'll help heal Emma. Who knows it could happen...

Great chapter!
Elizebeth1994 chapter 12 . 2/28/2014
It great I really hope Emma is ok.
Dreamingdreams chapter 11 . 2/2/2014
:3 Go Wolf! I am glad that wolf saved Graham & was able to stop Emma from killing her one true love. I call that some excellent timing.

I wonder what Snow & David had to trade for that bit of magic. Because we all know Rumple all magic comes with a price. But I am glad Regina is powerless for the moment. Hopefully Gold won't help her & has found out that Regina is/was hiding someone important to him from him. So hopefully he won't be too willing to help Regina out in any way shape or form.

Ouch hopefully that was Graham that pulled Emma back towards him in the crypt & not one of Regina's henchmen. Or it could all be going down hill real fast from there.

I love that they except Graham as Emma's true love. And hopefully when the dust settles Emma will be open or willing to be open to the idea of getting to know her parents.

Really good chapter!
Dreamingdreams chapter 10 . 2/2/2014
Oh wow evil twist there. Leave it to Regina to be do sick & mess up inside. I hope that the witches plan will backfire on her.

Who knows maybe that knife will break. Because I believe that Emma's & Graham's love for each other is stronger than that.

A great but heartbreaking chapter!
Guest chapter 11 . 1/29/2014
Really like this story. Hope you update soon
Elizebeth1994 chapter 10 . 1/21/2014
How great chapter but I don't want Graham to die.
Dreamingdreams chapter 9 . 1/19/2014
Leave it to Regina to ruin every bit of happiness she can for others and threaten to make a child disappear. Even if it will make said child sad that she would do that. No matter how much she claims to love Henry. Her actions are all about her and what she wants and not what Henry wants or needs to be happy.

Ouch not good hopefully Graham will be able to save Emma. I like how he was able to figure out what happen to Emma and why she left. And yep it was a good thing that Wolf was able to pick out Emma's sent.

Great chapter. I hate cliffhangers but it was still a really great chapter! :)
Dreamingdreams chapter 8 . 1/19/2014
Oh wow hot hot hot! :3 That is all I have got to say about Graham & Emma making love twice. It was hot! Very nicely written too.

Graham was right about not tell Emma it was Regina. I can see her going after her. But where I am pretty sure like Graham that the sheriff's department is control by Regina. Until there is more people on their side. It might be wise to wait to reveal that and the reason why.

;) It sounds like the curse is broken. Now hopefully Snow and Charming will be excepting of the fact that Emma and Graham are each others true loves. And hopefully will be give Emma time and space to get use to the both of them.
Remka chapter 8 . 1/14/2014
It's MY chapter! Awesome!
And they did it twice! Loved it, thanks! :p
Dreamingdreams chapter 7 . 1/12/2014
Oh bad Regina. I hope your ready to get your butt kicked. I don't think Emma is gonna let you take her out that easily. I know Graham won't that is for sure.

I just hope he is well enough to go chasing after Emma. Maybe he can clam her down a little so he will at least have some idea of where she is going. And convince her not to go without him. So he can keep her somewhat safe.

Maybe make a trap to catch the guys who beat him up and try to get information about who hired them.

Great chapter!
Dreamingdreams chapter 6 . 1/12/2014
Oh wow go thing Mary Margaret was out for a walk so she saw Graham. I bet that when she remembers her true self that Snow isn't gonna let it slide either. I bet someone will be looking for a hole to hide up in. With both of them looking I don't think that they will be getting away with hurting Graham.

Sounds like Emma has a strong connection to Graham. Especially if a nightmare woke her up and she had a bad feeling when she saw what she did without knowing it was Graham.

I hope that they get him to the hospital in time and that he will be ok. I'm glad she caused him to hold on with a touch and too remember who he was too.
Remka chapter 6 . 1/9/2014
Tragic chapter but a very good one as usual!
BossLady chapter 5 . 1/5/2014
I really like this story. I like the idea of Graham following Snow and becoming her protector, as well as being the big brother to Snow. It is a very interesting idea, and I love how you implemented that change in the Enchanted Forest flashbacks. I also like how you buildup Graham and Emma's relationship. I am curious if you are going to introduce Mary Margaret/Snow and David/Charming in Storybrooke anytime soon. I really like this story, and I can't wait to read the next chapter.
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