Reviews for Creatures of Habit
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
My dear ShuShi.
Very cute :-D.
Name AmyLKim chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
Wow, that's cool. I even re-read this after a year for the nth times!
Haha, the book and pillow habit are the same as me.. I'll even mad at those who sleep at my pillow for making my pillow not cold anymore.
And the tiles thing,, well, me, I HAVE to step on the line, if not, I'll feel weird..
Haha, anyway, great story!
roankun chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
Wow. That was good. I have the same sandwich habit myself (eating the crusts first, that is). Stories like these make me feel all warm on the inside (though they'll probably never be canon). Giving the characters small habits like these make them feel more... human. The series, being the way it is, will probably never touch on "insignificant" things like these, but I love reading about them.

I'm not really sure how else to praise you, except to say that this fic was really good. Wonderful. If I *had* to criticize it, you mentioned a "Kuroba" during the chemistry book thing. Of course, that would probably refer to Kaito, but it makes me wonder about what backstory gave rise to him being there. Also, the sudden mention of the name Keiji. Of course, one could infer that Keiji was the previously mentioned boyfriend, but I'd have preferred it if it was more explicitly stated that his name was Keiji when the boyfriend was first mentioned. Though I wouldn't have wanted the name stated there if it was not mentioned subsequently, but it was, so I do. ...Does that make sense?

Oh, by the way, I also like Conan's fast realization of 'yeah, I might actually be crushing on Haibara.' Most other fics have this long-winded realization moment, and though, yes, those are also believable, but sometimes, feelings just hit you in the face without much prior notice. This is one of those times where it works out great.

Ahh, I think I might have said too much (and went off-track a bunch of times), but anyway. I really enjoyed this fic. Thank you so much for writing it. Cheers!
CheddarTrek chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
Cute, very cute.
The Grey Loner chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
Aw, Haibara is so cute! Although this is very wierd, I still enjoy it.
Hayashi Mikako chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
Interesting, and amazingly cute. Good job.

Gurgle chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
Hahaha! This is hilariously awesome! Did that make sense? Anyway, great job!
kathleen25 chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
Very cute one sot even though THOSE HABITS ARE SO DAMN WEIRD!
I'm not judging just saying, and I admit I used to do some of them when I was youger...